Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Canadian Vulnerability

Were it not for the willfully stupid and ignorant, the unhinged, and the extreme in our midst, I really would be less concerned about the benighted domestic decisions the Americans make. But because of the four aforementioned blights on our Canadian landscape, I do worry that those decisions have an outsized influence on Canadian politics.

The following letters from Star readers make some pertinent points in that regard:

Americans still live under Trump

U.S. Supreme Court conservatives dash decades of abortion and affirmative action precedentsJuly 1

The ill-fated implosion of the Titan, due in part to a disregard for safety, is an appropriate analogy for the United States as their Supreme Court causes an implosion within the American society with their reversal of many decisions that were supportive of women, the racialized, LGBTQ+ people and the marginalized. Trump’s legacy of lunacy will live on for many years regardless of what happens to him now because he was able to politicize the Supreme Court during his presidential tenure.

Matthew Marosszeky, Aurora

It’s obvious with the recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions that human rights are only for the few in America. If you are male, white, heterosexual and Christian, breathe freely. You have nothing to fear. Any other combination of gender identity, religion or race will make you vulnerable south of the border. The stench wafting northward from these judgments surpasses anything that is blowing south as a result of our wildfires. Canadians need to hold our values tight to make sure the same doesn’t happen here.

Julia Bowkun, Toronto

To describe the U.S. Supreme Court decision to support denying service to same-sex couples as a win for religious rights is an abomination. Religious freedom should not be a licence to promote hatred. What next? Wearing a badge indicating sexual orientation?

Diane Sullivan, Toronto


  1. There are lots of reasons to refuse a job, loggers moved to old growth lot for example. or just take the job, money upfront and do a time delayed crappy job until your fired.
    One of the funniest haircuts I ever saw was on a guy who broke up with his girlfriend while she cut his hair.
    And in what world is it sane to want to force people to preform without consent. Sounds like rape or slavery to me.
    Why would someone pick the worst possible candidate to do their job? Not for the job, more for the infamy and crap disturbing. Woke currency and infamy .
    The trashing of roe vrs wade is a travesty but Biden could do something about it (expand the court) and isn't ... so

    1. Human rights is the issue here, lunta. It may be a human right to refuse to do a job, as per your example, but when you are offering a service/necessity to the public, your right to discriminate ends.

  2. We have our own Trumpers, Lorne. They waved the Trump flag in Ottawa during the truckers occupation.

    1. The toxic fumes emanating from Amerika are dense and persistent, Owen. There is, unfortunately, no inoculation against stupidity.

  3. Ah, the Toronto Star crowd going on about human rights. How rich. The same people who would have happily had unvaccinated Canadians thrown in jail two years ago if they could.


    1. Perhaps it is better not to tar everyone with the same brush, MC.
