Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Real Trucker's Perspective

 It would seem that real truckers do their jobs, unlike the poseurs still in Ottawa.


  1. Why do I sense that these protesters have painted themselves into a corner? This is, for some, Day 5 and what have they achieved? Nothing. They wanted Trudeau gone but it's the Tory leader whose neck is stretched out on the block.

    What worries me is what comes next? Their comedic solidarity will begin to fray. The holdouts will start looking pathetic, the prospect of a long and utterly fruitless retreat ahead of them. That could make a few of them erratic.

    1. How this all ends is still up in the air, Mound. My thought is that as their numbers dwindle, the police will start enforcing the laws the truckers are violating.

  2. Lorne,

    Truckers for the big companies do not own their rigs. So, driving to Ottawa would demonstrably be theft of the equipment. So, my expectation is that most of the Ottawa truckers are contract drivers that own their rigs. Problem solved.

  3. A fair point, Anon, although I'm not sure their presence in Ottawa is going to bring them many contracts.
