Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Costanza Defence

I think there can be little doubt that Boris Johnson, whatever his shortcomings, is a student of Seinfeld.

Here is what he had to say about the drink fests he hosted during Covid-19 lockdowns.

And here is what George Costanza offered as he faced termination after having sex with the office cleaning lady.

And who said watching the telly was a waste of time?


  1. Well done. It's obvious that old-fashioned ministerial responsibility has fallen into desuetude, overcome by the modern pols' thirst for power. The "honourable thing" no longer obtains. Today they're all emperors, the guys the Praetorian Guard visits in the dark of night to remove.

    Removing these people when they won't go has become spectacle. Nixon left but that was virtually at gunpoint and in the "lame duck" period of his second term. He needed Ford's blanket pardon.

    Losing an election is a capital offence but scandal is not until it severely damages the party. Look at Trudeau. If you can weather the storm, if you can ride it out, your caucus will look the other way.

    1. From what I have been reading, Mound, sitting Tory members have had it with Boris's antics. Whether that results in sufficient momentum to oust him remains to be seen.
