Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Chain Of Fools

As I have said before, people who read this blog will know I have zero patience for the idiot brigades known as anti-vaxxers. Convinced of the 'righteousness' of their cause, these pseudo-martyrs insist on spreading their 'gospel' in the most confrontational ways possible, causing all manner of disruption, discomfort and despair to working people not in the grip of their insane monomania. 

The following took place in an Ottawa Dollarama:

The woman who was recently handcuffed at a children’s vaccine clinic in Whitby and sleeping in a restaurant in Peterborough, looked like she started some of the issues at the Dollarama in Ottawa tonight.

H/t @EatsFood2

Here's what happened when the police arrived:

Message to anti-vaxxers: Please keep your insane preoccupations at home; if you must share your 'wisdom', please do it in chat groups where you can be with your own kind, leaving the rest of us to carry on the best we can during difficult times.

And if all else fails, you might want to work on your choreography. 


  1. We have laws to deter criminal conduct. If these people understood there was a price - fines plus jail time plus a criminal record - they would scurry back underneath their rocks in a hurry. For those who refuse vaccination should receive limited access to healthcare, none of it free. People who need tests, treatments and surgery are dying because these anti-vaxxers have crippled the healthcare system. We should not treat them as errant children.

    1. It is time for far less tolerance of these people by the authorities, Mound. Of that there can be little doubt. They know exactly what they are doing, and should be made to pay a price for their foolishness.

  2. I did not know this, Mound, but it certainly makes sense given the NYT article. Thanks for the link. Far be it for me to put my judgement above the heartfelt observations of the medical community cited in the article, but I find it hard to drum up compassion for the willfully ignorant who role the Covid dice and wind up forfeiting their lives.

  3. Err, the above should have read, "roll the dice."

  4. I'm blown away by the ignorance of so many. I run into people in all walks who wear masks to follow the rules, at least, but don't really believe all this hype about the virus. It's mind-boggling. So it will continue to spread and mutate. Awesome.

    1. There are only two ways this pandemic gets under control, Marie: vaccination and mask-wearing. Until people fully grasp that, it will, as you said, continue to spread and mutate.

  5. No one has even died from the Omnicrom variant. I have a hypothesis why so many Boomers are terrified of Covid. Because they're terrified of dying. They've lost faith in God.

    If people like yourself had their way, we'd be wearing masks til 2029, perhaps even longer than that. My human rights shouldn't end where your fear begins.

    Most importantly, with all due respect, your "us against them" approach is extremely dividing. As a former educator you should be aware of the consequences of that type of language in a historical context.


    1. Thank you for your comments MC, which, if I may say, I heartily disagree with. First of all, although I cannot speak for everyone, I'm not sure that Boomers are necessarily afraid of death. I think what terrifies many is the prospect of unnecessary death, which is why our cohort has a very high uptake of the vaccine.

      Secondly, many people of my generation have a sense of civic responsibility. We all have an obligation to do what we can to ensure the well-being and improvement of society.

      The anti-vaxxers, on the other hand, seem to care only about themselves, their perceived 'rights.' with nary a thought about the damage they are causing to others. Such an egocentric philosophy is the antithesis of civic responsibility. And worse, they seem hell-bent on inflicting their warped perspective on others. They fail to understand that human rights have reasonable and necessary limits.

      Am I being divisive in showing my contempt for such selfishness? The reader can be the judge of that, but the kind of polarization the anti-vax crowd has elicited is of their own doing, and it has never been my practice to reward idiocy with kindness.
