Wednesday, October 6, 2021

You Can't Keep A Good Man Down - UPDATED

…especially a man like restauranteur Jody Pendleton, who so loves his freedom that he exercised it by firing all of the staff from his four eateries who have been vaccinated against Covid-19.

God bless Amerika.


Well, the story now gets a tad murky. According to Jody, this was all a joke, an attempt at satire. But is that all there is to this tale?

Then there is this:

One thing emerging from this imbroglio is certain: in the corrupted currents of American society, all things are possible.


  1. I think as this gets around, Toby, Mr. Pendleton will find he is experiencing a labour shortage.

  2. completely bizarre but that's a recurring theme in America today

    1. I read your post today about the Trumpers moving to Red States. I guess at this point with the Americans, nothing should come as surprising or astounding, Mound; it is yet another indication of the country's ongoing devolution.

    2. Where are Mound's new posts? On his blog it says the most recent is from May 1.


    3. HI, MC. His newer posts can be found here:

  3. The unposed question is whether this madness burns itself out anytime soon and, if not, how the US will be shaped by it. This country is so divided across so many fault lines, the cohesion that underpins any society is being lost.

    1. I sometimes wonder if they will end up as a series of independent republics, many of which will be theocratic, Mound.
