Friday, October 29, 2021

"Here I Come To Save The Day"

Sorry to disappoint you, but it is not Might Mouse who will save the day, if only we listen. It is Barney Frankie the dinosaur, with a timely message regarding our pending extinction.

I have to confess, the following left me, not with any sense of optimism but rather deep despair. Is our last best hope to avert climate disaster an animated reptile whose warning, despite its juvenile nature, is addressed to adults?

The infantilization of our species continues apace.


  1. .. I myself is from the ‘never say die’ School of Thought, Lorne
    As you’re probably aware I’m in the region of 50,000 Tweets
    Abrasive, takes no prisoners, read like a total demon effortlessly
    & a total disciple of George Carlin, Marshall McLuhan, Hunter S Thompson & Edward de Bono’s ‘lateral thinking’ problem solving as well. I write my ‘memoir stylings’ & write complete fiction as well. The Environment, People & their Culture are my current rocket fuel

    I saw the dinosaur vid, early on.. & I think there’s high value in it / to it. I cannot really explain why. In my view it kind of meets an old criteria you gave me re metaphor & allegory - ie dirt simple, almost visual messaging.. it’s like a sage Owen response to a comment.. brief, on point, old school, high value in few words, even blunt - so that’s where most of my observations are oriented

    1. I hope you are right about the video being useful, Sal. While I realize it is a graphic and clever warning about what we are facing, I am not hopeful that it will make a difference when increasingly violent weather, destruction of large swaths of land, etc. have not changed are ways.

  2. Out of the mouth of a dinosaur. It makes the warning strak, Lorne. Like you, I worry that the creature will not be headed.

    1. I do wonder if anything would work at this point, Owen. I was reading an article today that says the "pain threshold" when people will heed the warnings has not been reached. Of course, when it is reached, it will be far too late.
