Sunday, December 27, 2020

Let's Give Him A Classy Sendoff

 I think the following fits the bill:


  1. It's grotesque to watch the wounded beast lash out, blaming everyone and anyone but himself for losing the election. Yesterday it was the Supreme Court, "incompetent and weak," the Department of Justice and the FBI, and then Senate Republicans, especially Mitch, who have betrayed him. Donald J. Trump IS the government of the United States. The judges, the lawyers, the G-Men and Congress - all work for him. It is their job, first and foremost, to do whatever he needs done. He has "absolute proof" that the election was stolen. They don't need to see it, they have his word for it. Who are they, any of them, to contest HIS word?

    He resembles nothing so much as Tony Montana in the closing scene of Scarface.

    1. Tony Montana is such an apt comparison, Mound. Trump's monstrous ego has done nothing but wreak destruction worldwide, a subject Owen deals with in his blog entry today.
