Saturday, December 12, 2020

Beware Mr. Covid

It has been several months since my last post. Originally I had anticipated but a short break,, but events conspired against me and I wound up in the hospital for several weeks. Although my hospitalization had nothing to do with Covid-19, the latter has been much on my mind, particularly owing to the fact that so many people, judging by the surging numbers, lack the maturity and character to do what is necessary to keep this dread disease at bay. 

 I was therefore not surprised at Alberta's effort to bring home the gravity of the situation by producing an ad that reveals what the government thinks of its child-like citizens:


  1. Hey, Lorne. Glad you're back. I beat you to it but only by a few days. While the folks in my town seem pretty much onside with the Covid programme, trolls lurk in the backroads where you're apt to find plenty of anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists and devotees of absolute nonsense. I know a few who are neck deep in healing crystals, chemtrails, the Deep State, QAnon, Bill Gates' sinister plans, even Donald Trump. Amazing.

    Glad to have you back.

    1. Thanks, Mound. It's good to be back. I guess the reason I get exercised about the Covid scofflaws is that it offends me to see people surrender whatever critical faculties they may possess to satisfy their immediate desires. Just like children, eh?

  2. Glad to see you again, Lorne. Hope all is well. It incredible how this virus has brought the stupid to the surface, but I think most of us knew it was just barely in hiding all this time.

    1. Thanks, Marie. Yes, the virus has revealed things about our fellow citizens that we would prefer to pretend didn't exist. And we all must potentially pay the price for their blithe indifference to reality.
