Saturday, December 7, 2019

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

According to this group of crazed evangelicals, all is well in the world thanks to God's chosen one occupying the White House. My suspicion is there was a full moon out.


  1. Sinclair Lewis knew that evangelicals can be easily conned, Lorne. Elmer Gantry went from pushing vacuum cleaners to Bibles.

    1. And P.T. Barnum was especially perceptive about people as well, Owen.

  2. It's not like no one saw this coming. laugh - To wit; Margaret Atwood . . . not just one book. Two.

    Life imitates art . . . it's an upside down world.

    j a m e s

    1. I just read The Testaments recently, James. The current state of the U.S. rarely left my mind during the reading.

  3. Lorne, the fundamentalists' adulation for Trump is the logical conclusion of an ungawdly relationship between rightwing politics and the radical rightwing gawd cult forged in the 30s. I'll recycle the following from a comment I left on my blog the other day:

    As for the witless Evangos, they'll believe whatever the con artist at the pulpit tells them to believe. In Trump's case the line is that, no matter how sullied his past, he's an instrument of their gawd and, as such, to be venerated as somehow holy.

    This perverted relationship between the evangelical fundamentalists and the far right is thoroughly explored and documented in Kevin Phillip's "American Theocracy," Chris Hedges "American Fascists," Andrew Bacevich's "The New American Militarism," and Kevin Kruse's "One Nation Under God."

    "One Nation" is the most recent book. In it, professor Kruse traces their pact back to post-Depression America and FDR's 'New Deal.' America's industrialists were pariahs, deeply loathed. They wanted to fight back against what they saw as Roosevelt's socialism. They couldn't do it directly so they seized on the idea of joining forces with then popular radio fundamentalist preachers who, likewise, felt Roosevelt was intruding on their turf. They've been in bed together ever since.

    Like Trump, these TV/Mega-church evangelists are grifters. That may explain why they're still allowed to so shamelessly fleece a gullible following out of millions of dollars with total impunity.

    Bacevich illustrates how they went from being TV hucksters to insinuate their fundamentalism in the US military. That's very scary and yet rarely mentioned.

    They used to be a Democratic brigade until the Dems went for civil rights under Kennedy and America's political polarity switched. They've been handmaidens for the GOP ever since and the Repugs count on them to get out the Christo-fascist vote.

    There's an interesting look at how these Bible Thumpers have used mega-churches and church schools to perpetuate segregation in the South in Chuck Thompson's "Better Off Without 'Em".

    1. Thanks for the information, Trump. The depth of contempt I have for these people and their hypocrisies is bottomless. If I believed in the devil, I would say he must be in his own version of heaven right now.

  4. "Thanks for the information, Trump." Was ist das, mein freund?

    1. Oops! Just another senior moment, Donald, er, I mean, Mound.
