Saturday, December 21, 2019

Breaking Up With Jesus

While some may be cheered by the fact that evangelical magazine Christianity Today has called for Donald Trump's removal, be aware that theirs apparently is not a widely-held view amongst 'true' believers.

The inimitable Mrs. Betty Bowers explains to Jesus why evangelicals can no longer follow Him: they are seeing someone else.


  1. ... the scathing observations, reflections of Ms Betty Bowers are done with surgical precision & elegance. In the contemporary pantheon of political satire.. she strikes like a laser scalpel.. always deserving 2 and even 3 viewings.. and forwarding to my homies & patient family.. the tiny detail, nuance, finesses.. posturing, sniffs, choreography.. a delight ! Such a delicious approach to eviscerating crackpots, jackasses & serial liars/deceivers.. grifters !

    As per my comments to your Indie compadres.. which should obviously include & reference you.. high hopes a nice Christmas is arriving for you.. thanks re all the excellent posts, links, comments, insights & balance.. You will be part of a toast tomorrow to all the great Indies out there, blogging or tweeting or commenting.. You too will appreciate the recent George Monbiot article re Political Rewilding.. perhaps a shining perspective & pathway to keep us free of the 'bewilderment' ! .. SLAINTE !! ..

    1. Many thanks, Sal. All the best to you and yours this Christmas; let us hope against hope that 2020 finds something to look gladden our hearts.
