If I ever had the chance to sit down and chat with Randy Hillier, I doubt I would have much to say to the libertarian Progressive Conservative MPP recently permanently ousted from his party's caucus for reasons that appear contrived. He is alleged to have said "yada yada yada" (the horror!) to a parent protesting the changes to the province's autism funding model. Hillier claims he was saying it to NDP member Monique Taylor.
Now it is beginning to look like that was mere pretext for removing a man guilty of a far greater Progressive Conservative Party sin: refusing to be a team player. Unlike the trained and docile seals Premier Doug Ford has surrounded himself with, Hillier dares to think for himself, refusing to go along to get along, kind of the anti-Caroline Mulroney.
It is experience in workplace bullying I would find to be the basis for discussion with the MPP for Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. Having experienced and resisted it myself in my last few years of teaching, I know there is a cost to standing up for what one believes in.
What does Hillier believe in? A clue is to be found in the reason he alleges he was bounced from caucus:
“MPP Hillier alleges that his expulsion was an act of reprisal against him for ‘raising concerns of possible illegal and unregistered lobbying by close friends and advisers employed by Premier Ford’ ...It is for this reason the NDP is calling for a (Taverner-less) OPP investigation.
Perhaps more damning of Hillier is his refusal to provide what all cult-of-personality dictators demand: absolute obeisance and subjugation of the will to 'Dear Leader'.
Hillier...says...he was given a list of what he called “questionable and childish grievances” by backroom operatives.Party apparatchiks are spreading the word about how toxic Hillier is. (Message to MPPs: avoid this man or suffer career consequences.)
Among them, he alleges, were complaints that he didn’t clap enough in the House and wasn’t actively sharing posts about the government’s activities on social media.
Simon Jefferies, a spokesperson for the premier, said “everything Randy Hillier outlined in his letter is an outright lie. These fabrications are absurd and categorically false.Judging by the abject, grovelling behaviour of most of his fellow caucus members (Amanda Simard being one exception, having left over Ford's downgrading of francophone services, a departure that earned her the insult of "little girl" by Brian Paper Bags of Money Mulroney while he simultaneously praised the efforts of his daughter, Caroline Ford-Puppet Mulroney) it is fair to assume Randy Hillier will not be leading a revolt against Mr. Ford's oppressive tactics and systematic dismantling of programs that seek to make life more equitable for the people of Ontario.
“This further shows Randy Hillier never wanted to be a true member of our PC team despite repeated attempts by Premier Ford to engage him as an important member of our caucus.
Jefferies also disputed Hillier’s claim that he was in trouble for not seeking permission to attend his brother’s funeral.
Only the people can do that, Unfortunately, with the next election years away, it is a safe bet that much more social and economic carnage is on the immediate horizon.
Ford's wants to be Ontario's Big Brother, Lorne. And the message he's sending his MP's is that he's watching them.
ReplyDeleteAnd for those desperate for elevation to cabinet, Ford's gaze will find them being on their best cult-like behaviour, Owen.
DeleteHi Lorne. Doug Ford true to form, when he was running for the leader of the Conservative Party,took a shortcut in order to get the highest vote count. Like Patrick Brown before him he targeted a select group to buy party memberships to become first time members and then of course they could vote for Doug Ford to be the new leader of the Provincial Conservative Party.
ReplyDeletePatrick Brown chose an ethnic group,(I forget which one) and
Doug Ford chose Evangelical Christians. He contacted the head of the Evangelicals, who in turn turned the names of his parishioners over to Doug Ford.
These first time members gave Ford the vote numbers he needed to become the leader of the PCP,and now he's Premier of Ontario.I'm sure his neoliberal necon advisors love him because he knows nothing, which means they are the ones that can determine political policy.Ford neither has the intelligence nor skills to do the job he is in. All he has left to ask,(demand) of his administration is obedience. I'm sure Hillier stood out as someone who thinks and decides for himself.
Having a caucus and cabinet that abandons their own thinking and becomes sychophants to a leader who expects to be obeyed, has nothing to do with governing and everything to do with power.
Welcome to Ontario Politics, where the Neoliberal agenda is a priority and the people are an afterthought.
Well-put, Pamela. Clearly, the system of memberships determining who leads a party needs reconsideration. It is the main platform to power for demagogues like Ford.