Reading the newspaper this morning, it occurred to me that the reactions to Jody Wilson Raybould's testimony before the Commons Justice Committee constitute a kind of political Rorschach Test, one that helps reveal people's values, psychology and moral sensibilities. As one would expect, it demonstrates that the Canadian psyche is a multi-faceted one, one that prompts reactions ranging from outright condemnation of the government as if it were the devil incarnate to a reflexive defence of the Liberals. While some of these public reactions constitute nothing more than political theatre, they are worthy of deeper examination.
First, there was the overblown call by Andrew Scheer for Justin Trudeau to resign. A risible attempt to suggest he occupies the high moral ground, his gesture would satisfy only inveterate Conservative supporters who think with their adrenaline, not their brains. In many ways, his stunt represents politics at its manipulative worst.
But extreme partisanship that abandons critical thinking is hardly limited to the right. A popular theme in so-called progressive circles found online and in Facebook political groups is that it is incumbent upon all to rally to the Liberal Party. The argument, simplistic in the extreme, is that to join in the criticism of Trudeau's tactics is to empower the Conservatives and risk handing over the next federal election to them.
This depiction of the political landscape through a Manichean filter benefits no one. Like the Conservative hysteria, it demands a surrender of critical thinking and morality in service of what is depicted as a far lesser evil than the party of Scheer. As well, there is a distressing tactic, taken right out of the reactionary's page, of shooting the messenger. The CBC, CTV, major newspapers, etc. are condemned as tools of the right for reporting on this scandal and keeping it alive. I choose to provide no links to demonstrate any of this, as I do not want to give them further exposure, but they are quite easy to find if you look.
The idea of voting for the lesser of evils no longer holds any appeal for me. Perhaps that sensibility is a function of my age as well as extensive reading and my ongoing efforts to be a critical thinker. The fact is that the Liberals and the Conservatives are not the only choice in the next election, and perhaps it is time for people to start taking their vote with greater seriousness and reflection. For a perspective on this, I highly recommend a post by The Mound that he wrote last month. As well, a post he wrote yesterday makes for worthwhile reading.
Finally, there is the reaction based, neither on pragmatics nor partisanship, but on morality and integrity. As I wrote yesterday, what I took away from Wilson-Raybould's testimony was a woman who fought hard to maintain her principles and integrity in the face of incredible pressure from both the Prime Minister and his operatives. It is a theme upon which Tanya Talaga writes:
Across Indigenous social media, this one quote of Wilson-Raybould’s was shared over and over again, “I was taught to always hold true to your core values, principles and to act with integrity. I come from a long line of matriarchs and I am a truth-teller in accordance with the laws and traditions of our Big House. This is who I am and who I always will be.”An indigenous upbringing helped inform those principles:
“The history of Crown-Indigenous relations in this country, includes a history of the rule of law not being respected. Indeed, one of the main reasons for the urgent need for justice and reconciliation today is that in the history of our country we have not always upheld foundational values such as the rule of law in our relations with Indigenous peoples. And I have seen the negative impacts for freedom, equality and a just society this can have firsthand.”Integrity in public office is rarely seen, but I like to think I can recognize it when I see it. And judging by some of the reactions I have seen and read about, I am hardly alone in valuing it.
For over 150 years Canada has bent laws, disrespected treaties, spent millions taking First Nations to court over resource sharing and tried to bully communities into pipelines.
But Wilson-Raybould refused to be complicit.
We have all witnessed politicians of various stripes come and go. Our cynicism, our pragmatism, our ideology clearly play a role in that revolving door. But sometimes the truth really is out there; all we have to do to see it is to try to shed some of our preconditioned responses.
I get the impression that Wilson-Raybould thought that the Liberals were going to do politics differently. She discovered that, when push comes to shove, the old way of doing things still rules the roost.
ReplyDeleteI think, like many of us, Owen, she believed Trudeau's promises, which turned out to be essentially empty.
Delete.. you may have noted a salamander horde tweet this ayem, Lorne. An analogy that may seem useful. The analogy suggests envisioning a children's playground.. swing sets.. and especially teeter totters. one of those revolving rides one can push to spin faster & try to hang on as one get dizzier and dizzier. The entire play area is sand or nice clean wood chips. There are odd climbing apparatus and twisting slides.
ReplyDeleteImportantly, though.. the playground is wrapped by bleacher seating. (for adults) Many rows in fact.
Now who would sit in the bleachers, but Mainstream Media, Political Animals, a certain number of citizens of varying interest, pundits, partisan shills, Big Business, even certain police or spooks etc.
Now who do you imagine the children are in that playground ? Well of course ! Every kid with 'skin in the special game' (such a crude term) regarding l'affaire Lavalin. As you'd expect the teeter totters are busy, yes there are bullies and shrinking violets, a whole lot of shouting, screaming, pecking order.. even some pushing and crowding at the foot of the ladder to the slide. Yes, there is Trudeau, Ms Wilson-Reybould, mr Wernick, Ms Roussel, Gerald Butts, ms Telford, Mr Chin and a host of other kids with varying manners or behaviour.
All have been told there is a special prize.. an astonishing reward for the kid or kids who play the best, or the hardest. The spectators are loud and choosy who they shout for and are egging those kids on. It gets edgy as some spectators are actually starting to meddle or think they get to referee somewhat. It gets rough, very rough, disturbance in the stands, rude shouts, some kids cry, some push the smaller ones.. kicking of sand
Nobody understands the main problem, Lorne.. the 'game' is not really winnable at all. The vagaries of scoring or 'rules' or indeed cheating, makes it so. If one bunch of the kids 'lose' - all the playground stuff gets taken away. If the other bunch loses, they aren't allowed to play there anymore. In this odd game, bullies will always 'win' and the kids who are civil or fair may lose. So one side or the other.. ? Or neither ?
In reality Trudeau could not 'win' without being a bully ie requesting the Law be flouted. By letting Lavalin be taken to the woodshed he would be roasted politically. Ms Roussel and ms Wilson-Reybould faced a no win situation as well. Do the 'right thing' and be raked over the coals.. suffer the insults
And did the shouters and snouters in the stands help at all ? Haha.. sure you jest if you think so. They became part of tue problem, throwing sand, even punches.. as did partisan wanks and cranks. The conundrum required a 'solution' designed well in advance.. that did not happen, so deduct points to Team Trudeau. The Ministry of Justice needed to recognize the eventual arrival of the conundrum as well.. subtract points there..
Now its all a vast raging clusterfluck, the playground over run with what are supposed to be mere spectators.. but they jumped over the fence.. and are urging, indeed putting extreme pressure on the 'kids' - its ludicrous, poisonous, destructive where this has gone, insults, slander, childish partisanship, toxic media, crude behaviour.. no attempt at solution.. oh no.. this is such fun for lazy or sold out media.. and for political losers like Scheer who sees it 'as a win' for he and his party's delusionary aspirations. The big losers are Canada and Canadians and its the Indy Blogs that are pointing this out.. as Main Media & political parties posture and preen for the cameras and via op eds..
You analogy of the playground is very apt, Sal. It is most unfortunate that very little truly mature 'adult content' informs our politics today.
DeleteWhat are these "progressive circles" to which you refer? Progressivism has been expunged from the Liberal realm. It is a centre-right party deep in the embrace of neoliberalism.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Nikiforuk has a blistering review of SNC-L's rich history of corruption and its connections with the Liberal Party. It was SNC-L that lobbied the Trudeau government to implement the "deferred prosecution agreement" law after it realized that the company was in serious legal jeopardy at home. Was enacting legislation specifically to try to protect a company from the consequences of its corruption not itself an act of corruption?
You won't think of the Liberals, the prime minister or Lavalin the same way after reading this:
Thanks, Mound, for the link. There was also a story today discussing how the Liberals are seeking to modify the law stipulating 10-year bidding bans for those companies convicted of criminal offences. Either way, it is looking like SNC Lavalin will be getting a sweetheart deal.