Thursday, July 26, 2018

The New Normal

Watch or don't watch the following; it really won't make any difference, as the trajectory is already firmly set, momentum is building, and catastrophe can no longer be averted:


  1. Ian Hanomansing is looking not at all well. The combination of these heat events and our broken hydrologic cycle is causing havoc. Japan underwent back to back severe flooding and then heatwave. The Met Office today warned Britain that they can expect at least two more summers like this one and British farmers are already reeling from drought-caused crop failures.

    Don't worry. Justin is almost ready to move with his carbon pricing initiative.

    1. That such initiatives are considered as serious and productive, Mound, makes me wonder if it is willful ignorance on the part of most people or simply an indication that we are becoming increasingly stupid as a species.

  2. We are witnessing the rampage of climate change. The scientific journals are flush with the mountain of new research. The nightly news reminds us daily of the latest catastrophe(s) and the attendant death toll. Our governments have their own independent science resources to inform and assist them, guiding them out of belief and into the realm of evidence-based fact, knowledge.

    Despite all this, our political leadership continues to act as thought we're still in the 80s. They fall back on tokenism, purely gestural responses such as carbon pricing. In this way government assures the future our children face will be unduly risky and challenging. It can seem as though they welcome some sort of climate dystopia. No effort is made to inform the public or build consensus behind the necessity of change whether that means implementing measures needed to adapt to changes they have neither the will nor the means to prevent or developing the social cohesion that will be necessary for the public to best manage the looming difficulties.

    It's one thing to govern with your head in the sand. It's another to govern with you head in the sand when it poses a mortal threat to the country and people you are sworn to serve.

    1. Our politicians have betrayed humanity, Mound. They have used and exploited people's reluctance to make meaningful sacrifices for future generations to their advantage, and to the advantage of those they truly serve.
