Not that he had any semblance of previous virtue, but yesterday former Republican presidential nomination contender Chris Christie confirmed his capacious political whoredom by endorsing Donald Trump, a man he had previously ridiculed:
“We are not electing an entertainer in chief. Showmanship is fun, but it is not the kind of leadership that will truly change America.”His opinion changed yesterday.
He’s a good friend. He’s a strong and resolute leader and he is someone who is going to lead the Republican Party to victory in November.”Although beaten to the altar of Baal by the never-virtuous but always befuddled Sarah Palin last month, Chrisitie tried to impart a greater dignity to his shame. Compare the following two performances:
Nonetheless, one cannot help but ascribe Christie's Damascene conversion to less than pure motives, especially given the fact that Trump has lately been publicly musing about his running mate, should he secure the Republican nomination.
Since Christie is but the tender age of 52, one must modify Brian Mulroney's 1984 assessment of Bryce Mackasey:
"There's no whore like a middle-aged whore."
Sorry for the rough language, but sometimes there is no way to euphemize ugly realities.
UPDATE: Thanks to The Mound of Sound for this, Some of the Meanest Things Chris Christie Has Said About Donald Trump.
Strange bedfellows indeed.
What he said (and I remember it like it was yesterday) is "there's no whore like an old whore."
ReplyDeleteThis truly boggles the mind, doesn't it Lorne? Would the community of world leaders devour Trump, dismiss him or would they knuckle under? He is crass, devoid of subtlety and finesse of the sort that builds consensus. Would the Pentagon/CIA allow this guy anywhere near the "nuclear football"?
The Republican establishment created this nightmare. They let the camel's nose get under their tent. Now they're reeling in horror at what they've spawned. It was all so foreseeable but they chose, out of expedience and the hope of political advantage, to look the other way. Now they reap the whirlwind.
What I find equally troubling, Mound, is that Trump's success thus far has emboldened the likes of Kevin O'Leary, who just made an appearance at the annual Manning lovefest. There, he talked about the importance of creating jobs, assuming, like the extreme right always does, that the public will forget the corporate world's abject failure to fulfill its part of the bargain for record low taxation rates, job creation. Trump is also surely counting on this kind of public amnesia as he progresses toward the Republican nomination.
DeleteLindsay Graham has it right, Lorne. His party has gone "batshit crazy."
ReplyDeleteA succinct and accurate appraisal of his party's dysfunction, Owen.
DeleteCheck this out, Lorne. You can thank me later.
Priceless! Thanks, Mound. I shall post it as an update.
DeleteIt's over Lorne! America is an Empire ruled by the a power elite that selects their presidents based on who will be most malleable, Their fear of Trump is that he is a loose canon, who may be hard to reign in. Trump is a blowhard. If he becomes president , he will tow the line. He does not have the courage or smarts to challenge the power elite.
ReplyDeleteLike all so-called reality stars, Pamela, I'm sure Trump will demonstrate that his current public persona bears little relation to reality. He will fall into line, no doubt.