The concept of a guaranteed annual income, a subject I have written about previously on this blog, seems to be gaining traction. A relatively simple way of uplifting countless people from poverty and in the process ultimately saving money through a streamlining of our fragmented systems of social programs, it is now finding interest within the halls of power.
Recently, the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Jean-Yves Duclos, told the Globe and Mail
the concept has merit as a policy to consider after the government implements more immediate reforms promised during the election campaign.Support for the idea seems to cross party lines.
The general concept is that a guaranteed income would cover basic needs and reduce demand on existing social programs. However, proposals vary widely on whether it should be paired with a drastic reduction in social programs such as welfare and unemployment insurance or complement them.
This means versions of the idea have appeal across the political spectrum, as it could lead to a larger or smaller role for government depending on the model.
Conservative MP and finance critic Lisa Raitt said she would like the House of Commons finance committee to study the idea. She also said she raised the issue with Finance Minister Bill Morneau recently during a private pre-budget meeting.
“He seemed favourable,” she said. “I have an open mind on it. I know that there’s been progress made on it around the world in terms of how people are viewing it. I don’t know if it will work in Canada but the work of the committee will help us figure out whether or not it is something that is good or not good.”
And across Canada, momentum is building. François Blais, Quebec minister of employment and social solidarity, has been asked by Premier Philippe Couillard to look into how that provinces social supports can move in the direction of a guaranteed annual income. But that's not all:
The political cast includes Calgary’s Mayor Naheed Nenshi, Edmonton’s Mayor Don Iveson and Halifax’s Mike Savage. In fact, no less than nine provincial and territorial capital leaders support basic income or at least pilot projects, with innumerable smaller city and town mayors across the nation declaring their support as well. They know — as government leaders who are closest to the people — that a guaranteed income would reduce inequities in their communities, reduce crime, improve health outcomes, and strengthen social cohesion.Are we reaching critical mass? Long observation of politics suggests that is not yet the case, but clearly we seem to be moving in the right direction.
This may be, as Victor Hugo said, an idea whose time has come, Lorne.
ReplyDeleteI hope so, Owen. Talking about it can only take us so far.
DeleteEven Milton Friedman supported a guaranteed annual income. I like the idea, but it will require caution. Conservatives such as Friedman often support it as a way of abolishing other social programs, but we would still need many other programs, e.g. job training, help for people with addictions, support for the handicapped, etc. We don't want to throw out the baby ...
ReplyDeleteA very good point, Bill. While I support the concept, I do worry about it possibly becoming a disincentive for raising minimum wages, which then would make it another subsidy to business.
DeleteWhat a terrible idea. Canada doesn't need MORE statism. It needs a reversal, clearly, toward valuing individual liberty and natural rights/civil liberties. It's a shame that we continue to perpetuate the idea that extortion/theft are good ideas/systems in a "civilized" society.
ReplyDeleteWhile you are certainly welcome to your libertarian views, Anon, I cannot share them. The strength and character of a society is evident in the way it treats its weakest members, not the way it may disproportionately rewards individual achievement.
DeleteCanada has too many commies up here... Too many commies that are all too willing to rush toward their mother, the state, to give them what they need in life. Quite embarrassing for any grown adult to be advocating this position. Did I really just see someone utter the name Huge above? ... bloody fool.
ReplyDeleteYou are, of course, entitled to your opinion, Anon, but resorting to name-calling of those who advocate such measures does nothing to advance that opinion.