* With apologies to Joseph Scriven's original hymn, What a Friend We Have in Jesus.
One can only assume that these days there are far fewer congregants lustily singing the praises of their dark lord and master, Stephen Harper, in that hallowed place of worship known as the Conservative caucus. Their faith has, in recent times, been sorely shaken.
From the Moses-like figure who led them out of the political wilderness, Harper became a Jesus-figure, welcoming all into a family of shared values, righteousness, and integrity, intent on driving the money-changers from the temples of Parliament. That dream quickly faded, however, to be replaced by corruption, callousness, and exclusion that seem inevitable accompaniments of power; but at least the party faithful knew that some of the immense rewards of this world were well within their grasp, as long as they remained faithful and provided unquestioning service to their lord.
They are now learning that they were wrong.
While evidence has been circulating for years of Harper's willingness to abandon anyone who no longer served his agenda, recent events have demonstrated the absolute ruthlessness of his nature. There was, of course, his jettisoning of the terrible trio of Senators Duffy, Wallin, and Brazeau after having initially defending them in the house. As the optics changed, so did Harper's public pronouncements of them, to the point where they became personae no grata. More recently, as I noted in an earlier psst, there was his refusal to allow personal friendship with and deep political indebtedness to Nigel Wright stand in the way of publicly vilifying him as the chief-of-staff who betrayed him.
The most recent example of what some might describe as a lack of character at best, or as deeply pathological at worst, is the firing of Dimitri Souda, another Harper loyalist who answered his master's call to leave his current job, as he has done before, to become executive director of the Conservative Party of Canada. Because it became public that he was trying to gerrymander the nomination process so that the love of his life could
Eve Adams’ campaign chairman, Stephen Sparling, denies that Soudas was fired, saying he voluntarily resigned so he could be more deeply engaged in Adams’ campaign. “He’s taken a new private-sector role and he’s freed up to work on his partner’s behalf”.
Perhaps on the strength of her own deep and abiding loyalty (start the link video at the five-minute mark) to Mr. Harper, Ms Adams still believes the nomination is within her reach.
Hmmm. I wonder if she remembers the name Helena Guergis?

As Pete Seeger used to sing Lorne, "When we they ever learn?"
ReplyDeleteFor some, Owen, pursuing that ever-elusive shiny prize, I guess the answer is 'never.'
DeleteI played a couple of years as a summer replacement organist. This was my favourite hymn. I used to end it with a blues riff. The congregation wasn't amused.
Thanks, Anon. An interesting rendition indeed!
DeleteRay Novak, Jenni Byrne and Irving Gerstein had all better watch their backs: a few more percentage drop in the polls for Harper and it just might be their turn, although I suspect many of us would not be shedding any tears for them, eh?
ReplyDeleteI suspect more blood will be shed before the next election, Anon. I was reading today that party insiders hope Byrne will take over Souda's spot, but she is well-ensconced as Dear Leader's deputy chief of staff, so I doubt she will rise to the occasion.
Delete.. hosanna and praise be those mealy & greasy 'Conservative values' .. the ones that our counterfeit Canadian PM claims are our values..
ReplyDeleteIt seems so clear that government gaming, grooming and swindling of the nation begins within political parties. There, in some twisted way, we find the Harpers, MacKays, Anders et al gain some sort of internal cult status among the bottom feeders and remoras.. and the likes of Gerstein and Flanagan flourish
An election charade unfolds, aided & abetted by mainstream media.. and hey presto thank the lord, out pops an elected Paul Calandra or a Tony Clement. Talk about mealy & greasy ! Who will admit to voting for Brad Butt today.. and why? How did a Bev Oda get elected ? Or a Polievre ?
This all seems more carnival - circus - freak show rather than biblical holier than thou harperism. Its a big top over the top out of their heads club
Crude gamers like Soudas etc.. are like disposable diapers there to cover asses, catch shite, and promote ignorant thugs and star candidates, so they can gabble foolishly over F-35 bomb load specs.. or misconstrue veterans medical needs.
Its an ethical wilderness.. and in all reality, nothing has really changed. Harper is the 'laird' employed by The Hudson Bay Company (Big Oil) and he gets to act like a queen of the colony for a while. The MP's and Ministers are running trading outposts and fleecing the natives (us)
Time to investigate and eliminate infected partisan processes and parties..
They no longer are valid in any way.. The so called Conservative Party just proves what cesspools they have become
We all need to share your outrage, Salamander, before any real housecleaning can begin.