Sunday, April 27, 2014

And Now, A Brief Message From PROPCON

Regurgitation warning: if you have just finished eating, wait at least 30 minutes before watching this latest episode of 24/seven, brought to you by PROPCON, the Harper regime's official channel of indoctrination.

I have to admit this is the first episode I have watched; it made me nostalgic for the old Soviet cult-of-personality newsreels. It also gave me increased empathy for what the North Korean people have had to endure under their Dear Leader:

Come to think of it, perhaps our Dear Leader took some instruction from this fellow:


  1. Sorry Lorne, just couldn't manage to get all the way through it, even after waiting for my breakfast to go down.

    1. I know, Inse. It is a tough one to swallow.

  2. So you're the guy that watched that video.

    I have to admit that I actually watched the first several episodes because, at first, I found them hilarious. But after viewing several of them I was overcome by the tragedy of a proposition whereby, in the act of simply viewing this propaganda and possibly being counted among those interested, I was participating in something distasteful for the sake of a few laughs. I suddenly found that the available humour wasn't so funny after all and not worth the time.

    1. I have to agree with you there, John. I too worried that in viewing it, I would become yet another unfortunate statistic.

      The true indicator of the isolated world in which these people reside, however, and the view they have of us, is amply demonstrated by the fact that those behind these productions must sincerely believe they will provoke a positive reaction rather than the abject scorn they so richly warrant.

  3. Lorne, be careful while criticizing commandant Harper. He is more like Stalin. He scares the dickens out of me. Fingers crossed our only hope is his ouster in 2015. If that "Fair" Election Bill is passed we are in for a lot of trouble.

    1. Your caution is well-advised, LD. I have noticed that every time I have a post on Harper, one of the visitors to my blog is invariably from the domain But then again, it's probably quite innocent, since this regime is renowned for wanting to know what the public is thinking in order to provide the best representation possible ;)

    2. Lorne, visit seems to be for some purpose. Same happens to me and Mound pointed that out too. What is that song "I will be watching you".

    3. What is especially interesting here, LD, is that tax dollars are apparently being used to monitor bloggers.

    4. Lorne, it is true. To Harper it is just taxpayers money who cares.

    5. Perhaps the regime's motto should be: "The Conservative Party of Canada - Protecting Canadians from Independent Thought," eh, LD?
