If the devil is indeed to be found in the detail, then Star letter-writer Geoffrey Kemp of Mississauga has done an exorcist's job of ferreting out the wily one.
Enjoy his well-considered thoughts on an aspect of the 'Fair' Elections Act that has gotten relatively little attention owing to the grave and justifiable concern being widely expressed over its voter-suppression implications. (The bolded parts are mine):
Stephen Harper’s need to hastily do an end run around democracy is doubtless caused by the dubious actions of those he chooses to surround himself with, other examples of his poor judgment and the declining Conservative poll numbers.
If passed unchanged, Bill C-23, the Fair Elections Act, will allow MPs to sit in the House while their election expenses are contested. It exposes and compounds a weakness in the Canada Elections Act, at times when a majority government may be elected with a very small plurality or the combined opposition have a small majority.
Currently, if an MP and the chief electoral officer disagree on an MP’s election expense return, the Canada Elections Act provides that the MP can no longer sit or vote in the House of Commons until the expense return is changed to the chief electoral officer ’s satisfaction, although the report is not due for several months after election day.
Bill C-23 allows the MP to continue sitting until a judge has ruled on the dispute and further states: “The removal of a democratically-elected MP reverses the decision of tens of thousands of voters. No one should have the power to reverse a democratic election without first convincing a judge.” If an MP’s election expenses are found to be non-compliant with the election act, by definition they were not democratically elected and have deprived tens of thousands of voters their representation of choice.
Peter Penashue, Dean Del Mastro, Shelly Glover and James Bezan are four of Harper’s MPs who faced exclusion from the House having failed to comply with or refused to supply information required under the Canada Elections Act.
In close minority government situations, the ability of “false MPs” to sit in the House while their validity is being questioned could be the factor deciding who forms the government and becomes PM. One seat can make the difference. Remember how important Chuck Cadman’s legitimate single vote was perceived by Harper.
Instead of slowing down the review of a candidate’s election expenses, someone who is truly interested in removing the possibility of election fraud would be making changes to speed up the validation of those expenses. Bill C-23 should be withdrawn.
Lorne, does Harper and his minions pay any attention to what Canadians think of his Bill 23?
ReplyDeleteHe is moving ahead with this bill at full speed. This man and his minions are serious threat to democracy.
Under American system a President can be impeached. I wish our constitution has similar provisions.
By the way I think Liberals win in Quebec is a good news for the Federal Liberals. It will have a positive impact in Quebec for the Federal Liberals come the next federal elections
late this morning, LD, I read that Pierre Poilivre is accusing the Chief Electoral Officer of a power grab in his criticism of the bill. I guess these guys don't have any shame, or any sense of irony. I have to agree that it is looking more and more like there will be little or no improvement in this bill before it is enacted.
DeleteIt will be interesting to see what happens in Quebec federally in light of the provincial victory. Will Mulcair hold on to his Quebec seats, or will the Orange Crush be overwhelmed by the Red Tide?
I predict Red Tide.
Delete.. have you ever seen one of these ads ? ? ..
More and more I feel that with just a slight adjustment to context & content
they could act as effective illuminating metaphors for our current government..
Mayhem unleashed.. with our full permission !! And the keys to the house or car.
After the 'accident' comes the litigation, the lawsuits, the endless legal wrangling
Of course The Harper Government controls 2500 salaried Justice Department lawyers and spends undetermined millions on 'outside' law firms and lawyers. And then the Harper Party spends undisclosed monies on law firms and lawyers such as Arthur Hamilton (who has gone silent) and Guy Giorno .. (Giorno and/or his firm represent Nigel Wright.. and The Conservative Party ? Pardon me ? ?)
But I guess my question is.. why are these thousands of litigation experts attacking Canada and Canadians instead of defending us.. Do they go home or to work and wonder about this? Is Arthur Hamilton defending Democracy or driving Obstruction & Secrecy for the entwined Harper apparatus of Party/Government and lockstep governmental spying agencies, RCMP and sellout Ministries ? ?
The basic and primal aspects of Canadian Law .. are being attacked, bled and pressure hosed from within by a government that in no way reflects the dreams, needs or wishes of its electorate or citizenry. When did Harper or his Ministers or MP's communicate or promise the legislations, actions, interference or incompetence that we now see on a daily basis?
To initiate election legislation designed to curtail and silence Elections Canada is simply shocking. To attempt to bluster through and ignore the concerned outcry from Canadians leaves zero doubt regarding the dark intentions of this runaway government.
This is Stephen Harper fully revealed for who and what he is.. along with his complicit, glib, greasy unelected PMO, weakling quisling Ministers .. shallow idiot MP's and one assumes several thousand highly motivated donors, trolls, pundits, spokeswanks, sellouts, cowards.. and untold highly leveraged corporatist controllers and entities.. from Canada and abroad ..
Its time the true Harper Legacy is properly defined..
& how far its veered off any rational or ethical pathway
.. and any Canadian with a glowing heart will recognize..
illuminate & paint the events of this assault every single day..
Well said, Salamander. I checked out the link you provided, and I think you are on to something here. Your idea to graphically bring home the destruction wrought by the Harper regime in ways that everyone could relate to would surely galvanize a lot of Canadians who currently proudly proclaim their disengagement from the political process.
DeleteThe Harper government attacks the institutions of democracy because those institutions which could eventually do them in, Lorne.
ReplyDeleteLike mythic evil creatures, Owen, they flee from the light and embrace the darkness.