Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

In what I think was an underreported story, Russian has announced the following:

Russia will make changes to its doctrine on the use of nuclear weapons in response to what it regards as western escalation in the war in Ukraine, state media quoted deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov as saying on Sunday.

The existing nuclear doctrine, set out in a decree by President Vladimir Putin in 2020, says Russia may use nuclear weapons in the event of a nuclear attack by an enemy or a conventional attack that threatens the existence of the state. Some hawks among Russia’s military analysts have urged Putin to lower the threshold for nuclear use in order to “sober up” Russia’s enemies in the west. Ryabkov’s comments on Sunday were the clearest statement yet that changes would indeed be made. “The work is at an advanced stage, and there is a clear intent to make corrections,” state news agency Tass cited Ryabkov as saying. The decision was “connected with the escalation course of our western adversaries” in connection with the Ukraine conflict.

The above should not come as any real suprsie, given the proxy war currently being fought in the Ukraine between the U.S. and Russia. Nonetheless, it is a sobering start to the post-Labour-Day week, isn't it?

In other news,  a war of another kind looks increasingly likely after the next U.S. election. Peter Stone reports that Trump and his cabal are busy laying the groundwork for civil war.

Donald Trump and election denialist allies at Turning Point USA, True the Vote and other Maga stalwarts are spreading conspiracy theories about election fraud in order to lay the groundwork for charging the election was rigged if Trump loses, warn election experts and some veteran Republicans.

 John Giles, the Republican mayor of Mesa Arizona who spoke at the Democratic national convention in August in support of Vice-President Kamala Harris’s campaign for the presidency, said that former president Trump and his allies “will throw everything at the wall and see what sticks”, if Trump loses.

He added: “They’ll claim everything went wrong if they lose. I’d be surprised if Trump doesn’t try to foment insurrection if he loses the election.”

The endgame is in sight: 

“A lot of false claims are masquerading as efforts to change policy to improve election integrity when in actuality they’re just designed to sow distrust in our system if Trump loses,” said David Becker who leads the Center for Election Innovation and Research. “This is all designed to manufacture claims that if Trump loses, the election was stolen and to sow discord, chaos and potential violence.”

Voter suppression also is part of the plan:

Although they lack the resources of Kirk’s well funded operations, Texas based True the Vote has long played a role in pushing election conspiracies about voting fraud at drop boxes and other bogus charges, and the group is once more working to sow doubt in Wisconsin.

Catherine Engelbrecht, who founded True the Vote in 2009, in an interview on 30 July with Christian nationalist and self-styled prophet Lance Wallnau, said her group was partnering with a few sheriffs in Wisconsin to monitor drop boxes for voting fraud using camera equipment that the group plans to provide.

Given the general low level of awareness and intelligence that exists in the U.S., expect anything but a smooth transition should Kamala Harris and her party succeed in November.   



Saturday, August 31, 2024

More On The Arlington Debacle

In my previous entry, I posted a clip that the Trump campaign is now using of Don's visit to Arlington, disgracing the memory of the dead and egregiously flouting the prohibition against pictures and videos being taken there.

In this segment, we see The Cowardly One deny any responsibility for. what took place:

Republicans against Trump

Wow. This is a new low, even for Trump. 

“It Was a Setup,” “Could have been the parents” Trump tries to blame Gold Star families for the Arlington incident.

Like the 'good soldier' he is,  J D Vance issued this stout defence of Trump while denigrating Kamal Harris:

Ah, but the feckless Vance was no match for this former Marine and widow whose husband died for his country:

🇺🇸USMC Veteran and Gold Star Widow Katherine Wyatt has a question for 


 about Trump's Arlington stunt: 

"Instead of trying to appeal to the moral consciousness of Donald Trump because I don't believe he has any...Where is your integrity, Marine?

My good friend Dom, an astute observer and critical thinker to whom I sent the above clip, had this to say about Vance:

Vance is a pull-toy of Peter Thiel. He is beholden to him as Peter funded his company, and also advised Trump to select him as VP. He is whoever Peter tells him to be. Both men are his play toys devoid of any self respect. Vance is the perfect match for Donnie: the King of self loathing and insecurity. 

The Silicon Broligarchs, are no longer hiding their alt right views. Musk, Thiel, Anderson, Altman, Zuckerberg, et. al, believe they own the future and believe they also own America. They have made it clear who they want in office whose mandate will be to remove and punish anyone in their way.

God save America.

To all of this, I have nothing to add, but you might be interested in an article from The Guardian in which writer Kevin Carroll offers his evaluation of Trump. Hint: it is not flattering.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

UPDATED:Exploiting The Dead

You have likely heard about the debacle at Arlington National Cemetery where Don Trump and his team took pictures and video of him laying a wreath honouring the war dead. Steve Benen writes:

As the week got underway, Donald Trump probably thought going to Arlington National Cemetery would be a good idea. The former president, despite his awful record related to respecting U.S. troops and veterans, appeared eager on Monday to exploit the third anniversary of a terrorist attack in Afghanistan that killed 13 U.S. service members and more than 150 Afghans.

The first problem is that such video incursions are forbidden in the military cemetery. The second problem is the fact that this cowardly, bone-spurred military refusenik has incorporated the video into his campaign, as you can see in the video below.

Jules Morgan 🧸


There it is, his disgusting campaign video and the real reason he went to Arlington Cemetery. Like and repost the video so that everyone will see the truth.

Americans are said to revere their military. I can't help but wonder how the true patriots feel about this transparent and disgusting ploy by Trump to elevate himself at the expense of the dead.

UPDATE: This voice from the heartland sets the record straight about Trump:

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

But Only If You Agree With Me

Free speech is great. It is a principle that most people claim to support, but sometimes that support is contingent upon the subject under consideration. In a shameful episode yesterday, it became apparent how fragile the concept can be as McMaster University showed its true and cowardly colours.

The union representing academic workers at McMaster University says three students who are also connected to the labour group have been banned from campus activities after they participated in a pro-Palestinian protest earlier this year. 

The students are elected leaders with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3906. CUPE 3906 said on social media late last week they each received a notice from the Hamilton university that they have been declared "persona non grata."

Personal non grata is a term I have not heard in a long time. Often a diplomatic sanction, it means that a person, often a representative of another country, has said or done something that has offended the host constituency.

In diplomacy, a persona non grata (PNG) (Latin: "person not welcome", pluralpersonae non gratae) is a foreign diplomat who is asked by the host country to be recalled to their home country. If the person is not recalled as requested, the host state may refuse to recognize the person concerned as a member of the diplomatic mission (including the removal of diplomatic immunity). A host country may declare persona non grata status for any member of a diplomatic staff at any time without any explanation.

According to McMaster's Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities, that designation is given to someone who is "denied the privilege" of entering specific parts of the university. 

"If PNG individuals are found or seen in the area they are denied, then they will be subject to a charge by Security Services under the Trespass to Property Act," the policy states. 

Demonstrating on behalf of a people experiencing genocidal attacks by Israel has therefore become a crime at McMaster.

CUPE 3906 said the status effectively bans the students from participating in campus activities, ranging from extra curriculars to any protests, but they can attend classes. At least one of the students confirmed to CBC Hamilton by email he had received the notice from McMaster. 

In its online post, CUPE 3906 said the school is hoping to "use police violence to silence resistance to its complicity in the ongoing genocide in Palestine."

According to McMaster spokesperson Michelle donavan, who refused to speak about specifics, such a sanction can be applied if the code of conduct has been violated.

The code lists activities which constitute a violation, including engaging in threatening behaviours or communications, failing to comply with safety regulations, failing to cooperate with university officials, trespassing and causing disturbances.

"A PNG notice is given if there are concerns, based on the evidence of the case, that an individual poses a potential risk to campus or members of the campus community," she wrote. 

The offending behaviour apparently was the encampment set up at the university, one of several across North America, to protest the killing of over 40,000 Palestinians by the state of Israel. 

The protest grew within a week to have over 100 people and close to 70 tents, with daily activities and speakers. It ended in May after two-and-a-half weeks.

At the time, organizers said they'd come to an agreement with McMaster which included commitments around transparency about its investments and human rights considerations in international agreements that the university is involved in. 

One of the students who says he received the notice is Mason Fitzpatrick.

Fitzpatrick is the union's vice president. He said the other two include the co-chair of a tenant solidarity working group and the chair of a working group on funding for graduate students.

Fitzpatrick told CBC Hamilton he was involved in the encampment as a camper and a union representative. He and others with CUPE 3906 were planning to speak out about the decision Tuesday afternoon at a rally just off campus.

"We will not be intimidated. We will not back down. This move by the university only serves to clarify the need for workers to stand against imperialism," CUPE 3906 said on Instagram.

"We will use all means available to us to fight for the right to protest and look forward to seeing our members back on campus."

A sad day for people's Charter Rights, and a big black eye for McMaster University. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Counteracting The Void

Yesterday I posted a mini-rant on people's general lack of awareness of the world around them. Today, I post two videos that put to shame those who willfully live their lives in bubbles of ignorance.

Here is 12-year old Knowa De Baraso. The first clip shows him vigourously challenging the falsehoods that Mr. Pillow guy, Mike Lindell, tries to spew:

The second is De Baraso showing his mettle in an interview with Sky News.

The bubble people should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves, no matter how they justify their ignorance.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Living In A Void

Maybe I am in a bit of a mood today, but I can't help but be disdainful of those who live in a news void. Even if you don't subscribe to a newspaper, there are plenty of sources that can keep you reasonably well-informed, be it Google News, the CBC website, The Guardian, etc., etc. And I have no patience with the excuse that people are too busy making ends meet to know what is going on around them. To live in ignorance is to live in a void, one that can be unscrupulously manipulated by others.

What prompts my criticism today is the rail lockout that has affected commuter lines, most notably seen in the cancellation of the Go train on the Milton line. Apparently, many were caught unaware.

Some commuters arrived Thursday morning at GO Transit stations along the Milton line, which cuts through Mississauga to Toronto's Union Station, only to learn service had been suspended.

"This is completely unacceptable, and we should have been informed earlier, said Om Sangekar, speaking outside the Cooksville GO station. "I'll definitely be late for work."

The larger point here, of course, is that if people cannot even keep themselves informed about events that have an immediate and local impact, what hope is there for them when it comes to issues that affect all of us? 

The spread of misinformation, whether through AI or fake news, is facilitated when one has no context by which to evaluate it. In our country, little PP exploits the void relentlessly and sometimes skillfully. To accept his version of 'reality,' we are a highly taxed and failing nation that has been led to the brink by Justin Trudeau and his merry band of men and women. Only PP can save us from falling over the edge, because he will surely "bring it home."

To a much worse degree, the same is happening in the United States. To hear Trump and his minions tell it, only he can save America from the abyss that awaits it should they choose the "radical Marxist" Kamala Harris.

Again, if you live in a void, defining the country in stark and absolutist terms has much appeal, especially since it saves you from the hard work that real, critical thinking entails. But in my view, you are a citizen in name only, since you choose to excuse yourself from any real participation in the duties that real citizenship requires.

That's the end of my little screed. Regular programming will resume soon.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A Piercing Sound

I am almost deafened by the dogwhistle here, as a tired and deflated Trump blows as hard as he can.

You can provide your own translation of "suburban housewives" here, I am sure, to uncover the real message to the red meat Maga crowd.