No words needed from me here.
Reflections, Observations, and Analyses Pertaining to the Canadian Political Scene
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Friday, December 10, 2021
Utterly Toothless
Given the damning report by the auditor general that the Public Heath Agency of Canada did a profoundly incompetent job of tracking travellers assigned to quarantine hotels earlier this year, it is perhaps not surprising to learn about another abject failure by the same agency: meting out punishment for fake vaccine certificates presented at border crossings.
Border officials in both Canada and the U.S. are catching people they suspect of trying to cheat vaccine rules to cross the border by the hundreds — but far fewer are seeing fines.
Although hundreds of allegedly fake and misused vaccine cards and COVID-19 tests have been reported by Canada border officials, the Public Health Agency of Canada has only issued 17 fines related to these reports so far.
Given the public health stakes, the border transgressions are egregious and criminal. And they include presenting fake Covid-19 test results:
A number of cases are being investigated by PHAC, which issued seven fines for suspected falsified or fraudulent COVID-19 test results between Jan. 6 to Nov. 12, that agency said. PHAC said it also issued two fines for suspected falsified or fraudulent proof of vaccination credentials between July 6 and Nov. 12.
Because they have right of entry, Canadians who enter with fake COVID-19-related records are still allowed into the country, but border officials then pass on their information to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), which has ability to investigate and issue fines. Non-Canadians could be denied entry.
Because documents are easy to fake, enforcement and deterrence are sorely needed.
Shabnam Preet Kaur, a forensic document examiner with Toronto-based Docufraud Canada, said technology can easily allow people to create a falsified document.
"You just have to download these softwares, for example, Photoshop, and you can just do all the editing as per your convenience," she said.
"Whatever you need to change in a document, you can do it in less than five minutes."
Kaur said it is not difficult to manipulate PDF vaccine certificates.
"I would suggest [the] QR code method is really safer as compared to the PDF of certificates," she said.
For Ontarians, there is one bright spot in this imbroglio. According to unnamed sources, on Friday the provincial government will announce that the vaccine certificate currently in use will make way for a QR code as the only acceptable proof.
Perhaps the Public Health Agency of Canada can learn from this example. Their practices, as illustrated above, are essentially toothless. At the very least, it is time they acquired a good set of dentures (or perhaps another body part), in order to protect the public they are mandated to serve.
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Chain Of Fools
As I have said before, people who read this blog will know I have zero patience for the idiot brigades known as anti-vaxxers. Convinced of the 'righteousness' of their cause, these pseudo-martyrs insist on spreading their 'gospel' in the most confrontational ways possible, causing all manner of disruption, discomfort and despair to working people not in the grip of their insane monomania.
The following took place in an Ottawa Dollarama:
The woman who was recently handcuffed at a children’s vaccine clinic in Whitby and sleeping in a restaurant in Peterborough, looked like she started some of the issues at the Dollarama in Ottawa tonight.
H/t @EatsFood2Here's what happened when the police arrived:
Message to anti-vaxxers: Please keep your insane preoccupations at home; if you must share your 'wisdom', please do it in chat groups where you can be with your own kind, leaving the rest of us to carry on the best we can during difficult times.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
What Went Wrong?
I have been thinking a great deal about the recent shootings at Oxford High School in Michigan that saw four students killed and seven injured, including one teacher. Despite very troubling behaviour, which included an in-class online search for ammunition via his phone, and some very disturbing drawings, 15-year-old Nathan Crumbley was allegedly able to go on a spree of death and mayhem with no difficulty.
What went wrong?
Based on my own years in the classroom, I have a theory. The first thing we have to understand is that there is a chasm between what institutions of education claim to be and what they really are. Cut through all the proclamations of progressivity and inclusiveness, and you will find for the most part they are conservative bastions. And why they are that way has little to do with the teachers, who, for the most part, teach with real heart and the best of intentions. Their nemesis resides within the school and within the board/division: administrators.
The thing to understand about them is that, because so many of them aspire to even greater supervisory heights, they are risk-averse. Anything that might reflect badly on them, like upset, complaining parents, can impede their upward trajectory. I will draw upon but one of many personal experiences to illustrate this before I get back to the Michigan shooting.
Many years ago, I had a student enter my Grade 11 English class three weeks into the semester. The story was that she had been bullied in one of her other classes, and so her entire schedule was revamped. When I asked one of the vice-principals why this girl was being further victimized rather than sanctioning the bullies, she told me that they didn't know who the bullies were.
My spider-sense tingling, I went to see the head of guidance to ask her to look into this. About a day later, she confirmed what I had suspected: the identities of the bullies were in fact known. Why, then, was the victim further punished? The most logical conclusion I could draw was that punishing the bullies would have raised the ire of their parents. Serving a relatively affluent community, our school's parents were not loathe to lodge complaints to superintendents, and even the director, if things didn't go their way. Hence, the path of least resistance was followed by upending the victim's schedule. (The victim and her mother had recently moved to the area from France, and were likely not yet enculturated into the prevailing ethos).
There are additional illustrations I could give here, but in the interest of conciseness, I have provided just the one. Which brings us back to Nathan Crumbley and his parents. Despite the above-described disturbing behaviour, when they were all called into the office, his backpack was not searched and the parents refused the school's desire to send him home, i.e., suspend him. Now, unless things are radically different in American schools, there is no way someone can refuse to be suspended.
Clearly, the school administration didn't press the issue, and again, as in my personal example, I suspect they chose the path of least resistance in the face of defiant parents who are now, thankfully, facing four charges each of involuntary manslaughter.
This should never have happened, but that it did neither shocks nor surprises me. When administrators fail to do their jobs, when they put their career advancement above the safety and well-being of the students and parents they are supposed to serve, something is indeed rotten in the state of education.
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Let Those With Eyes See
This was posted by a FB friend. Its purpose, I hope, is self-evident.

Friday, December 3, 2021
Disabled Man With A Knife Tries To Enter A Walmart
The following occurred in Tucson. It contains graphic content.
H/t Michael McJust one of a multitude of reasons to boycott travel to the U.S.
Thursday, December 2, 2021
UPDATED: To The Willfully Benighted
Last weekend anti-vaccine demonstrators gathered outside a clinic in North Bay called One Kids Place and tried to intimidate a mother taking her 7-year-old son to get his first shot.
Abby Blaszczyk says she had to endure a torrent of abuse as she escorted her son Nolan, who had just become eligible for a COVID vaccine.
“They told me I … was murdering my son, I was committing genocide, stuff like that,” she told CBC News. “And then, just misinformation about the vaccine itself.”
Like the infection they are, the anti-vaxxers insist on spreading their benightedness.
... in Windsor last week anti-vaxxers picketed another clinic that was offering vaccines to kids between 5 and 11. They carried signs with slogans like, “It’s not a vaccine. It’s a bioweapon.”
Some may wonder why I have such an obvious and deep antipathy towards these people. Part of the reason, of course is that, as a teacher for 30 years, my career revolved around critical thinking. To see that abandoned so wholeheartedly by some is disheartening. But my larger contempt is for the motivation of these people, their insistence that they are right, and the damage they seek to do to their fellow citizens by their obdurate refusal to think of society as a whole and get vaccinated to afford the best protection possible for all.
Parse it any way you want, but their egocentric selfishness more than merits society's widespread condemnation.
UPDATE: Just in time for the season of giving, Pastor Kent Christmas shares the gift of his 'thoughts':