Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cheques and Balances

I guess they really are the key to maintaining both fiscal and democratic health.

But to ensure such a salutary state, people need to get their 'narratives' straight. Perhaps they need some outside assistance?

Friday, June 7, 2013

"Part Of It's Just Human Decency"

That's Emily Cohn explaining the 'revolutionary' philosophy driving Costco's profits:

H/t Tyna MCNair

Where's Wallin('s Home)?

Perhaps the peripatetic Pamela is simply a tad confused?

PMO Slush Funds, Defecting Tories, The Prime Prevaricator's Diction And Deflection Tactics

These are the main topics discussed on last night's At Issue panel:

BTW, Parliament rises in about a week. I hope the weather for Harper and his many enablers continues to be hot and uncomfortable, with heavy storms in the fall.

In Praise of Political Cartoonists

Where would we be without their pithy insights?

On The Politically Compliant

Woke up this morning thinking of our friends in the animal kingdom, and their affinity for their counterparts in Ottawa.