Saturday, July 27, 2024

Time To Stock Up

I'm kind of busy lately and don't have time today for a lengthy post. However, one quick observation, and then a suggestion for the Republicans.

First, it is refreshing to see the Democrats in the United States taking the initiative by seizing a narrative that puts their opponents on the defensive. By defining the race in terms many can relate to, they offer a clear choice for the November elections. 

Here is that narrative:

Then there is this feeble, empty and predictable screed from Trump that should frighten no one:

My suggestion to those Republicans who have taken to wearing diapers is a simple one: stock up - I have a feeling you're going to need them.


  1. The USA is not alone in it's ability to occur a sea change.
    D Trump arrived just in time to attract the many that feel disenfranchised by the 'system'.
    Perhaps and hopefully Kamala Harris's arrival coincides with a wish for a monumental change for the US in accepting a woman as head of state?
    Strange days indeed for the USA.
    Strange days for the rest of us!


    1. There are opportunities here, TB, if Americans have enough wherewithal to explore them.

  2. FWIW


    1. This is very encouraging, TB. Thanks for the link.
