Monday, July 22, 2024

A House Divided

That America has become a house divided is so obvious it hardly needs stating. That Don Trump has played a major role in cultivating and growing that division should also be obvious to minds able to rise above the contamination that is rampant in America. With Joe Biden having now bowed to the inevitable, it is past time for everyone to see the bilge Trump spews for what it is - hate mongering, intolerance, overt prejudice, resentment - name a negative sentiment and you will see Trump fanning the flames. 

The cult of personality is never a pretty thing, but the one propagated by Trump is especially repugnant to anyone who can see past their own pettiness and grievances. The injuries he does to the spirit are profound and deep; his country must now reckon with that fact before November if it is to have any chance at continuing as a democracy. 

Another wakeup call emerged with the announcement of Biden's decision to step down from the re-election race. While he was lauded almost worldwide for the contributions he made during his ong political career, there was one notable exception. 

This is what Trump wrote on his Truth Social account:

Crooked Joe Biden was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve - And never was! He only attained the position of President by lies, Fake News, and not leaving his Basement. All those around him, including his Doctor and the Media, knew that he wasn’t capable of being President, and he wasn’t - And now, look what he’s done to our Country, with millions of people coming across our Border, totally unchecked and unvetted, many from prisons, mental institutions, and record numbers of terrorists. We will suffer greatly because of his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

If people cannot or will not see the absolute absence of grace in the above statement, if they cannot see that this is Trump showing his most unclean and utterly debased face, then yes, he is definitely their man in November, and if they prevail, America and its people are lost causes.


  1. Well, Trump was always a class art; I just hadn't realized it was possible to go that low. I did not expect a eulogy, it's not his style and his supporters would have been shocked.

    While he [Biden] was lauded almost worldwide for the contributions he made during his long political career,….

    A case of "De morituri nihil nisi bonum" I'd say.

    I will refrain from giving my opinion.

    1. Since he has no class, it is not surprising that Trump would be totally unacquainted with the concept, Anon. And, of course, grace is part neither of his style nor his nature.

  2. He didn't die and with KH his platform stays. Unlike politicians that get defeated and never do another political good I expect JB to remain very involved after this selfless political maneuver.
    I have commented elsewhere that his legacy will likely include "the president that saved American democracy" or at worst the man who valued America enough to put personal feelings/ego aside trying.
    Kamikaze Joe might bring down the beast where a bullet missed.
    I too " will refrain from giving my opinion." 😶

    1. One hopes that Biden's self-sacrifice has the intended effect, lungta. Edward Keenan expresses very similar sentiments here:

  3. Right wing radio is in a flap this morning.
    Until the big orange gives them their talking points, jibes schoolyard nicknames etc. they are rudderless.
    Trump has already stated his wishes to change the venue of the next debate!!
    The republicans are running scared.

    1. Nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing the right get their knickers in a twist, TB.

  4. May their fear increase as the campaign moves forward, TB. I guess soon we will once again hear that the right will not accept the results of the November election unless Trump is declared the winner. Civil war is still very much a possibility, in my view.

  5. I have a gut feeling the Trump support is starting to fail.
    Trump is becoming more unstable and moderate republicans are starting to notice.
    As this campaign heats up Trump is going to melt down!
    Overnight Harris has raised $80 million or so, the times are a changing.

    1. The signs are certainly encouraging, TB. The news tonight presented some swing state voters; of the four interviewed, three were quite certain they will vote for Harris. Let's hope the momentum grows for her, and wanes for Trump.

  6. .. the trouble with depravity .. is it always gets worse .. 🦎🏴‍☠️

    1. It does seem to feed off itself, Sal. And I suspect the Trumpers and Trumpettes will soon reach new depths.
