Saturday, November 5, 2022

Finally, Some Passion!

Watching the American news this week in the leadup to their mid-terms, I was struck by the dichotomy between Democratic leaders and candidates and their Republican counterparts. On the one hand, you have people like Joe Biden and Barrack Obama trying to appeal to reason in their stumping, and on the other hand you have the Republicans blowing loudly and incessantly into their dog whistles (Crime! Immigration! Inflation!!!), appealing to the prejudices and passions of their people. 

It is two polarities appealing to two different planets. Platonic ideals are not exactly vehicles of galvanization.

Fortunately, Politics Girl has the antidote: some 'reasoned passion'. Be advised, however, that her language in this video may not be to everyone's taste.

Stop saying the Democrats are going to lose. It’s lazy, defeatist bullshit not at all based in truth.


  1. She's a fireball! She's also right.

    BTW, thanks for including links to videos. I have no trouble watching the source; just the copy here.

    1. No problem, Anon. I'm not sure if was you or someone else who alerted me to their inability to watch Twitter videos that I have put here, so as a rule I now try to include the link.
