Saturday, March 27, 2021

Holding Back The Clock: Voter Suppression Writ Large

Despite both the overt and subtle nature of racism in Canada, it is hard to imagine living in a country where Black people are essentially told, "Your vote is undesirable. You are a threat to the status quo that so many white people have fought so hard to maintain."

Such is the situation in 28 American states, where legislatures have introduced bills that would severely circumscribe voters' rights with measures ranging from limits on absentee ballots to requirements for photo ID. Indeed, in the state of Georgia, it will now be a crime to offer food or water to people standing in line to vote. 

Please advance the following to the 9:45 minute mark to get a full flavour of these discriminatory measures:

It would seem that Republicans know their time is up, and they are doing everything within their (corrupt) power to hold back the clock.


  1. I wish the US could count on its Supreme Court to set this right but the court's previous rulings on the Voters Rights Act and affirmative action give no reason for optimism.

    1. It will be interesting to see if anything can be done by Biden at the federal level to mitigate these flagrant efforts at voter suppression, Mound.

  2. This should reduce the list of subscribers to the myth that Roberts has provided a surprisingly steady hand in the SCOTUS. Citizens United should have been enough, but it wasn't.

    There are few surprises when ethnic and cultural identity become the most secure currency in party politics and questions of public policy. In America and in each case, this applies to both of them.

    1. Clearly John, they are solid indicators of a debased political system.
