Monday, February 8, 2021

Snowbirds Must Pay The Price For Their Selfishness


Like the majority of Canadians, my wife and I have taken all the precautions we can during this long season of Covid-19. We have not seen our son and daughter-in-law, who live out West, for over a year. Our daughter and her husband we have only seen outside the house, observing physical distancing. We shop for groceries once every two weeks in a large store, double-masking the whole time. 

None of these measures are pleasant, but they are wholly necessary if we are ever to come to grips with this pernicious virus.

Others feel differently, gathering willy-nilly as the spirit moves them, be it through gatherings of extended families, parties, or the other myriad circumstances in which close contact inevitably occurs. 

As a senior, for me the most egregious violation of the spirit of the precautions come from the snowbirds who have willfully chosen to ignore safety and gone on their annual hegiras to Florida, Arizona, etc., their compelling reasons including how hard the Canadian winter can be, their joints need the respite warm weather offers, etc. ad nauseam. For them I feel no sympathy; indeed, contempt might be a better description of my sentiment.

And their plaints, when something goes wrong, ring hollow in my ears. There is, for example, the recent case of a Nova Scotia couple who sojourned to Florida, where things quickly turned horrible awry:

A Kings County couple are facing hefty medical bills after they both became ill with COVID-19 while in Florida. Debbie Mailman of Aylesford says she and her husband, Wayne, travel annually to Florida for six months of the year because their arthritis, muscular issues, fibromyalgia and other existing conditions would leave them in in pain if they stayed in the cold Canadian winter. “If we stayed home we'd be in agony all the time,” she said. “We just come here for the warm weather.”

Their quest for respite didn't go exactly as planned, They quickly fell ill from Covid, resulting in hospitalization that will cost more than $300,000 for her husband's treatment and an unknown amount for hers. 

Clearly, I am not the only one who feels ill-disposed toward selfish indulgences. The following letters from Star readers, reproduced from both the online and print edition, reflect this fact: (I had some formatting problems here, so please forgive the inconsistencies.)

I do not feel one ounce of pity for Canadians who left Canada and have returned, or will be returning, and face a substantial cost to quarantine.

We have been advised for months not to travel. These people are just self-centred and selfish to think only about what they want. The COVID-19 virus and its variants got to this country by travellers, no other way.

Susan Magill, Gravenhurst, Ont.


Snowbirds must face consequences of selfishness

Re Peeved Canadian snowbirds devising plans to avoid hotel-quarantine ‘jail’, Feb. 4


Snowbirds and other Canadians who travelled abroad deserve no sympathy.


One traveller mentions being punished for wanting to see the sun. Well, there are many Canadians who would also like to see the sun and close family they haven’t seen for a year and thankfully most of them are respecting the travel advisory and staying home. So no sympathy for those who confuse wants with needs.

Another traveller mentions that New Zealand made an exception to their strict quarantine rules for those who travelled before the new rules came into effect. Well, Canada has had a travel advisory since last spring and those who travelled chose to ignore the rules so, again, no sympathy here.

          A snowbird mentions that the quarantine hotels will be a financial hardship. Well, I’m sure that              Canadians who are struggling financially will be very understanding of those “poor” Canadians              stuck in their second home in the sunny U.S. Snowbirds are rightly facing the consequence of                having ignored the travel advisory that has been around since last spring.

          Claude Gannon, Markham

Re Peeved Canadian snowbirds devising plans to avoid hotel-quarantine ‘jail’, Feb. 4

As snowbirds with a Florida home, we chose to stay in Canada this winter.

          I have no sympathy for those who decided to travel during this worldwide pandemic and now                  may have to pay for a hotel stay on their return to Canada. I know teenagers with more common            sense than some of the seniors interviewed for this article.

 Giving up a winter in the sun is not the worst thing that could happen to a person. We have seen a lot of changes in travel restrictions during the pandemic and should be aware, after having seen what happened in the early months with people on cruises who became ill and had difficulty returning home, that nothing is guaranteed. Also, even though seniors are able to get travel insurance, they are in a group that is often hospitalized with age-related illness. Again, with hospitals full of people suffering from COVID-19 in the U.S., getting the needed health care could be a major problem.

I would hope common sense could make a comeback in our senior population.


Edith Ross, Thornhill




  1. It's beyond outrageous for some entitled jackass to plead arthritis, fibromyalgia and miscellaneous complaints to excuse what is obviously nothing but self-indulgence. As I understand it, Canadians can stay in the US for six months. Well, six months ago the US was well and truly in the throes of this pandemic. They chose to ignore all that, all the warnings, to relax on the southern beaches and, as they were warned, they contracted Covid and a whopping medical bill.

    I do appreciate that couple - as an object lesson to other moral contortionists of what may befall those who consider only themselves.

    With his hospital tab at $300,000, hers unknown, they may wind up moving in with the kids although, having blown the kids' inheritance, they might not be welcome long-term house guests.

    1. Clearly, Mound, this couple has reaped what they have sown. And I am sure theirs is not the only tale of woe attributable to heedless self-indulgence.

  2. .. I once was tasked to do a 'rescue' in Florida.. A friend had made a serious error re her meds down there. Was in the psychiatric ward.. I signed her out, took 7 days & all my med & security cred to her released to my custody.. I signed a lot of paper & we drove north, hard, 4 of us. We hit the border with her drooling in the back seat with her paint specialist partner.. CDN passports golden, I was even more golden.. RCMP top cleared.. We knew the skill testing questions.. but our friend was in outer space & flunked.. Border lady looks me over carefully, asks me to inspect the rear fender lights with her.. Knows we gamin something. 'She's pretty flucked up.. anything to say on the matter ?' .. 'No ma'am.. You got it right.. she plenty flucked up.. takin her straight to the hospital, check her in nice, no if no but's' .. Shakes her head, reads my meaning & we gets the stamp.. and later, with zero delay our friend checked in at Grace Hospital, secure psych ward.

    No way we could fly her.. They hate to board peeps who look so drunk they can't walk.

    Moral of the story is she was no snowbird.. Her travel insurance was invalid as she never declared her psychiatric medications.. as she never brought them ! she was flying before she left Toronto to do faux finishes at some rich assholes condo

    Care to guess what emergency doctors, ambulance run, 7 days of Palm Beach Secure Psych Ward plus plus after an even longer checkout, onboard nurse, onboard gurney & related seat removal costs - Air Canada, then ambulance to Grace woulda cost her mom n dad ? Their retirement ..

    Every situation is different.. I do feel for that couple.. They up shit creek. And as if they didn't have enuff on their plate health wise to start with ! Like almost every single person who gets infected.. They have 'no idea' the How, the Who, the When.. But that's the Deal Lorne.. It's ANONYMOUS.. And in all sadness thoughts n prayers n all that.. Who exactly did they go on to infect ? Eh ??? Put at extreme risk.. ??.. And how many Front Line of COVID Defense healthcare workers did they tie up ?

    1. That's quite the rescue story, Sal. It is a cautionary tale to be taken very seriously.

  3. .. It was pretty dirt simple in my view Lorne.. We can do this.. Get her to the border.. she's Canadian.. We just moving her from one secure environment to another. Lady at the border saw I had the cred & clearance of doing such things, usually with handcuffs involved.. never a gun, tho cleared on that too. I was 21

    We need to elevate our 'do'ers' & deflate our posturers.. Ofttimes simple pragmatism, common sense & a bit o effort win the day. That young lady's parents thought we were champs.. She got back on her meds.. Got stable, got outta psych jail, life went on, amen. Most 'things' actually get fixed or broke at grass roots level.

    And if we have no respect for Doug Ford.. Because he hasn't earned any.. we will do as we please re 'social gathering' etc etc.. Would you feel 'bound' by anything Pierre Poilievre dictated ?

    Small, even family segments of society are fractured by flawed leadership.. Or lack of. Aside from World Wars.. Canadians have never met anything like COVID .. So now comes 'the measuring' .. What do we bring to the dance..? As I told my son in February.. This will be the Great Levelling.. we'll be flattened by this.. absolutely smoked.. Global Pandemic..

    I tell people to this day.. 'Buckle Up' cowboys.. We ride the storm !!

    1. Well-said, Sal. I have nothing to add here.
