Thursday, February 4, 2021

No Mask? No Problem

What is wrong with people? That is really little more than a rhetorical question; nonetheless, let me offer but a small observation.

We all live within our own reality, reality that is framed by our upbringing, our education, our life experiences, our intellectual capabilities, etc. Those factors can make for healthy, dynamic debate. Yet they can also lead to the conclusion that some members of our species exist in a universe completely unrecognizable to the rational.

If you advance to the seven-minute mark in the following video, you will see what I mean.


  1. Whatever our personal reality may be, we make way for a collective reality on matters of shared importance. That's not absolute. We retain rights of dissent on moral or other grounds. Public health is one of those matters, like police protection or fire fighting, for which society requires a level of acceptance.

    In the midst of a pandemic of a highly transmissible virus that is now mutating into even more lethal variants, it is inarguable that those choosing to remain members of their society must accept reasonable measures that serve to protect the community and staunch the rate of infection whether that is masks, social distancing, periodic lockdowns, handwashing and such. To refuse is to make yourself the equivalent of a social outlaw, a pariah.

    You have a right to reject these measures but, in that event, you have no right to endanger your society, your community in the result. You can't reject social precautions and insist on your right to circulate freely through the society that will be impacted.

    Ordinances designed for the common good are not an affront to an individual's human rights. If you choose not to accept these measures, you choose to live outside your society and, so, it is only fitting that you remove yourself from it.

    Many doctors have long told patients who refuse to vaccinate their children that they can no longer treat them. It would be irresponsible of them to expose other patients in their waiting rooms or the clinic staff to infectious diseases. That has not been met with any great outrage nor should being ostracized for rejecting Covid safeguards.

    1. I concur completely, Mound. I can find nowhere in my heart any sympathy for those who totally disregard the public good. On a similar note, last week I was reading about a couple from Nova Scotia who, because the winter is hard on their joints, disregarded the message to stay at home and instead went on their usual hegira to Florida. They went earlier than initially planned, forgot to change the date with their health provider, and both fell ill very quickly from Covid. The husband's hospital bill is $300k. The wife hasn't yet gotten hers.

      No doubt someone will start a Go Fund Me campaign for this pair. I, for one, won't be giving them a cent.
