Thursday, July 9, 2020

UPDATED: Utterly, Despicably Shameful

I'm not entirely sure why these things bother me so much, but I suspect it has a lot to do with my hope and expectation that Canadians are better than their American counterparts in dealing with Covid-19.

As you can see in the following ugly incident, which occurred at a Mississauga T&T Supermarket between an employee and a benighted fool, that is not always the case:

Perhaps the original poster of the video put it best:
"My heart was broken and tears shed ... When that guy shouted at him, he didn't know how to fight back, he kept saying 'I'm Canadian.' Obviously, Canada is his home! Where is our multiculturalism? Where are our national values?"

"Even PM Trudeau called grocery store employees heroes! Why are heroes treated like this? I don't understand."



  1. Right wing nut jobs exist in Canada ( see Con leadership race) but this type of silliness is not as common as in the US.

    In the states two or three similar instances are published everyday lately. As the white power repugs see the polls they become more frantic. While they would never admit it, they are reacting to the bad electoral news.

    The guy above looks like monkey see, monkey do.

    1. I think your analysis of the clown in the video is likely quite accurate, rumleyfips. I know I see this kind of nonsense all the time when I watch the feverish response to masks on American news.

  2. I was oblivious to this element of Canadian society until Preston established the Reform Party. It survived only because Manning kept turfing right wing extremists out of caucus - not for their beliefs so much as their failure to keep quiet. There was no way that this undercurrent among the Reform caucus could have lurked beneath Manning's feet unnoticed. The vestiges remain today. They're in our legislatures, in our parliament, they're even in our schools.

    1. Clearly, Mound, they represent a a pestilence that, like Covid-19, is extremely difficult to keep contained.

  3. Sadly, that total waste of skin basically said what my racist, sad the old world has passed them by, parents tell me on the phone. I purposely live a solid drive away from them.

    I hope he's employed, and gets the old heave ho.

    1. It is very hard to take this kind of behaviour, Brian, and it certainly cannot go without consequence.
