Sunday, July 26, 2020

From Beyond The Grave

It's been 12 years since George Carlin left us, yet the ensuing years have made him even more relevant than he was in his day. The following video uses his profanity-laced upbraiding of the system to good effect, I think you will agree.


  1. Very well done. And, yes, Carlin is giving Trump and his minions the finger from the grave.

    1. I don't see any time in the foreseeable future when Carlin won't be relevant, Mound.

  2. As much as I agree with George Carlin's assessment of the American dream (or lack thereof) and the elitist club that screws the general public over, left, right and centre. Do you not believe that the creators of this video have singled out Carlin's words and used them against Trump?

    His message is especially relevant right now and describes Trump's America perfectly, but George Carlin had been doing this humour since 1956. Isn't his assessment true for all U.S. Presidents? All U.S. Presidents had the power to do exactly what Trump has done. The American laws benefit the elite, but they are made out to be for the middle class. I'm biased, but I firmly believe that President Obama was possibly the only president had helped the middle class. Truman tried, but failed miserably due to mounting opposition against him and his progressive policies, such as universal health care in 1947.

    1. I think you are absolutely right, Noah, although it was actually mid-career, I believe, when Carlin started with his overtly scathing social commentary. America (and much of the West) has been broken for a long time, but the corruption, cronyism and disdain for the average person seems to have become much more egregious and accelerated under Trump.

  3. .. Carlin was part poetic brilliant.. and played the 'idiot savant' with the subtlety of a switchblade across your forehead.. he was stapled onto the same page as Hunter S Thompson.. in short.. he was SAVAGE.. and took nor brooked.. any prisoners.. it was Jim Morrison & 'nobody get out of here alive'.. and Robin Williams 'Good Morning Viet Nam.. and no Good Will Hunting or Great Again horseshite.. it was unvarnished truth.. dirtbag real deal.. and ante up or leave the table

    1. Indeed, Carlin did not suffer fools gladly, Sal.
