Tuesday, July 16, 2019

This Is What John Lewis Speaks So Feelingly Against

John Lewis spoke from the heart about this:

And John Conway 111, husband of chief Trump defender Kelly Ann Conway, has this to say about her boss:
Naivete, resentment and outright racism, roiled in a toxic mix, have given us a racist president.

Telling four non-white members of Congress — American citizens all, three natural-born — to “go back” to the “countries” they “originally came from”? That’s racist to the core. It doesn’t matter what these representatives are for or against — and there’s plenty to criticize them for — it’s beyond the bounds of human decency. For anyone, not least a president.
One can only hope that America, despite all odds, finds its way to regurgitating up this president from the dark part of its psyche he has such a tenacious grip on.


  1. Replies
    1. It is time for everyone to confront and oppose the ugliness that resides within and without, Brian.

  2. The man has been revealed for who -- and what -- he is, Lorne.

    1. And it is beyond sad that he still enjoys approval among his most base base, Owen.
