The New England Patriots:

The Oakland Raiders:

The Jacksonville Jaguars:

Perhaps Bruce Maxwell, the first MLB player to take a knee, said it best:
The point of my kneeling is not to disrespect our military. It's not to disrespect our constitution. It's not to disrespect our country. My hand was over my heart because I love this country. I've had plenty of family members, including my father, that have bled for this country, that continue to serve for this country. At the end of the day, this is the best country on the planet. My hand over my heart symbolized the fact that I am and will forever be an American citizen, and I'm ore than forever grateful for being here. But my kneeling is what is getting the attention, because I'm kneeling for the people that don't have a voice. This goes beyond the black community. This goes beyond the Hispanic community. Because right now we're having a racial divide in all types of people. It's being practices from the highest power that we have in this country, and he's basically saying that it's O.K. to treat people differently. My kneeling, the way I did it, was to symbolize the fact that I'm kneeling for a cause, but I'm in no way or form disrespecting my country or my flag.
A’s Bruce Maxwell just took a knee during anthem. He is the first in #MLB to do it. @sfchronicle @SFGate #baseball #Oakland #athletics
— Santiago Mejia (@SantiagoMejia) September 24, 2017
With examples like the above, these are days when I can almost believe there is hope for a better world.
Sometimes small actions speak volumes, Lorne.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be something if the Divider-in-Chief wound up unifying people thanks to his bigotry, Owen?
DeleteI don't see how Trump can win this and that's worrying. He's such a tenacious little shit that he usually doubles down on a bad bet, especially when he's confronted with defiance. If he comes away looking foolish and weak and runs true to course he'll look for a distraction.
ReplyDeleteI've been wondering what America's network of intelligence and security agencies make of his bizarre antics. They will have a full psychological profile of this guy and what he's capable of doing when he goes rogue. I'm pretty sure they were unnerved when Trump went off-script at the UN and threatened to erase North Korea from the map.
Bear in mind that these people have sworn to defend America against all foes, foreign and domestic. They have sworn no oath to their president.
I like to think, Mound, that should Trump go further off the deep end and gets ready to do something that will truly endanger the entire world, contingency plans are in place.
DeleteAll we can do is hope.