The CBC's Neil Macdonald has written a searing assessment of Donald Trump that leaves little doubt that the Americans elected a racist president. His starting pint is an interview conducted by the NYT of one Derek Black, a former white supremacist nurtured since childhood by a family that embraced racism; his father started that shrine to hatred known as Stormfront.
... the arc of the interview was that eventually Derek Black went off to college out of state and found himself contending with educated people who would systematically shred the studies and pseudo-science Black cited in support of his beliefs that, for example, there are IQ differences between races.After the terrible events of Charlottesville, Black expected a full-throated denunciation by all politicians, despite the fact that the 'protesters' had used code words well-known in racist circles, such as "protecting our history and culture."
In short, Black himself received a humiliating education, decided white supremacy was a fringe movement for ignorant, angry people and publicly abandoned it. In return, his family basically disowned him.
That Donald Trump did not immediately denounce the marchers (though he read a boilerplate repudiation from a teleprompter on Monday), said Black, was "weird" and was taken as somewhat of a victory by his racist former fellow travellers, some of whom had shouted "Hail Trump" at the rally.The consequence of this abysmal failure of national leadership was far-reaching:
Then came Trump's news conference on Tuesday, Aug. 15, when he said that some of the marchers in the white nationalist rally were "very fine people" and focused on criticizing the counter-protesters and those who wanted to take down the statue of Lee.
Ask yourself this: how in heaven's name do "fine people" find themselves among torch-waving men shouting about non-white minorities and "blood and soil?" (Look up the provenance of that slogan). And why would a fine person not bolt at the first chant of "Jews will not replace us?"
Trump then said: "You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name [Emancipation Park]."
Now. Look at those last three words: "to another name." Donald Trump, president of the United States, not only thought there were fine people among the white supremacist marchers, he refused to say "Emancipation Park."
Derek Black, listening in a coffee shop, said Trump's words "took my breath away."To fight an evil, one must first be able to name it. Trump's conscious choice not to denounce racism in any credible way, along with his pardon of convicted racist Joe Arpaio, leaves little doubt that a racist is now occupying the White House.
The president had, in his view, validated the white supremacist messaging strategy in a stroke.
What they heard, he said, was "Donald Trump thinks we're fine." All the people who just needed a little extra nudge, to be told their son would be denied university because of affirmative action, or that an immigrant would take their jobs, had just been nudged.
Black called it the most important moment in the history of the modern white nationalist movement. David Duke and other white supremacists rejoiced. They've crawled out from under their rocks and are basking in their president's complicity.
Racism has been in Trump's blood for decades. Recall his early forays in real estate when, in 1973, Trump and his old man were sued for refusing to rent apartments to blacks. That's when Trump decided to shift operations to luxury condos in Manhattan, the stuff 'blacks' couldn't afford.
ReplyDeleteThen there's this moment from the Trump campaign. https://youtu.be/37-M_AzPxmM
Of course he's racist. He has been all his adult life. He's not about to change now. I'm sure he'd love to repeal the 14th Amendment, perhaps the 13th also.
It is time, Mound, that the MSM lost their squeamishness about calling Trump by his proper label. The evidence is overwhelming.
DeleteI wouldn't be surprized if he donned a white hood, Lorne.
ReplyDeleteIf it ensured that he would have 'the biggest crowds ever,' Owen, I believe trump would order a never-ending supply of white sheets to meet all occasions.