Friday, May 22, 2015

The Life And Death Of Worker Resistance

When it comes to jobs, we live in very precarious times, with fewer and fewer people securing full-time work with benefits. Paradoxically, union membership continues to decline, while right-wing propaganda about the evils of such associations flourishes. As a society, we seem to have lost the will to fight for something better.

So what has happened? Episode one of The Life And Death Of Worker Resistance offers some very useful insights:

H/t Operation Maple


  1. This is great! The message is good and is the type of format people can digest easily.
    I was excited about this group until I noticed other causes they are for... Fluoride in drinking water unsafe?

    1. I was not aware of that, Tim. Thanks for the information.

  2. Lorne, it is sad state of affairs. Under Emperor Harper rich are getting richer and poor are getting poorer. It seems that Harper is doing well in carrying out his agenda.
    It would look that lower employment rate reflects that many have given up looking for jobs. Many so-called employed live on minimum wages and temporary jobs. According to Harperism unions are job killers.

    1. The right-wing propaganda is strong, L.D. If only people would wake up and see it for what it is.

  3. Great article in latest edition of Guardian Weekly about coops.
