Probably one of the biggest challenges politically aware and active people face is the fear that even after giving it their best, little, if anything, will change. The powers that be seem deaf to reason, the bureacractic wall seems impenetrable, and the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel appears to be ever-receding. The prospect of failure is ever-present and daunting.
The hard truth of the matter is that effecting change requires an indefatigable hope and energy that few of us possess. Nonetheless, sometimes victories occur, and when they do, I think we all need to take heart from them.
A story in this morning's Star, by Catherine Porter, is a story of one of those victories. The tenacity and methodology of the Toronto Environmental Alliance in bringing about a ban on cosmetic use of pesticides, a ban that later became the basis of a provincial ban, is well-worth reading about, no matter what level of politics you are most passionate about.
There is hope, Lorne, even in the darkest of times.
ReplyDeleteAs Jack layton said, Owen, hope is better than fear, but sometimes it is hard to hold on to that wisdom.