Friday, June 14, 2013

"I Take Full Responsibility"

There, Pam Wallin said it, and like all politicians who trot out what has become but a tired platitude, she would now like all of us to tune in to another channel. (How about we devote ourselves to really serious matters, like that dastardly Mulcair showing such flagrant contempt for all that is holy?)

Those who are strongly constituted can watch the wayward woman from Wadena justify herself in an interview with Peter Mansbridge. (I confess I have not worked up to watching it yet - wonder if Peter asks her about her strategy in recently resigning two board memberships). Those whose patience with politically-motivated patter is limited can instead watch the clip that follows the interview in which the At Issue Panel offers a brief assessment of the good senator's 'performance'.


  1. The "Wayward Woman from Wadena" - I love it. You nailed it Lorne. I place it right up there with my own, "Cavendish Cottager". I love the aroma of sizzling pork.

    1. Thanks, Mound. "Cavendish Cottager" has a lovely alliterative lilt to it, although one hopes, when the investigations are over, there will be a cacophonous confrontation with contemptible Conservative confidence men (and women) both inside and outside the House.

  2. Wallin and her entire party want all this to go away. The panel doesn't think it will. Let's hope they're right.

    1. Some are lamenting the fact that the Wallin audit won't be completed until sometime in the summer, Owen, but in some ways I think that is good, inasmuch as it likely will still be on many people's minds when the House resumes in the fall.

  3. Driving through Saskatchewan yesterday listening to a CBC call in radio show...the natives do not support the Senator. They're pissed.

    1. I saw something recently on the CBC, double nickel, that suggested a deep division over Wallin within Wadena; those without personal ties to the family seem to reflect that sentiment you heard on the radio.
