Sunday, June 25, 2023

Advice For The Ages

Since most of us no longer attend Sunday services, we do not benefit from wise, well-considered homilies. The following advice from the philosopher Bertrand Russell in 1959 resonates now more than ever, and would be a welcome message from most pulpits today, except, of course, from the hatemongering and crazed evangelicals so popular in Amerika these days.

In 1959 BERTRAND RUSSELL was asked what message he would most like to pass on to future generations.

H/t Michael Warburton

Thursday, June 22, 2023

UPDATED: See No Evil


The evil would be the visibility of homeless people. The 'solution' that had been sought by Barrie City Council was an odious bylaw that would have outlawed individuals giving food, drink and other succour to those living on the streets. Essentially, it was a "don't feed the wildlife" approach, apparently in the hope that if you didn't encourage them, the unhoused would simply make themselves scarce.

As originally envisaged,  legislative fiat would 

include prohibiting the use or distribution of tents or tarps in public parks or lands without a permit, banning food and grocery distribution in public spaces without permission and reducing timelines for park camping and the storage of goods in public spaces. 

As well, bylaws were 

to be changed to prohibit payments to panhandlers on city streets, intersections and highway ramps. 

For now, likely as a result of unpleasant publicity, the city has backed off from the plan.

Councillors referred the controversial bylaws back to staff at a meeting Wednesday night.

Council’s plan was to have the legislation be enforced, under the Provincial Offences Act, by bylaw officers or members of the Barrie Police Service, with individual fines set to range from $500 to $100,000, [my emphasis] depending on the circumstance.

Before the council meeting, dozens of residents gathered outside city hall, many holding signs and speaking out in opposition to the proposed rules.

“Charitable acts of kindness are central to our community,” Coun. Jim Harris said. “We do not want to punish that; that’s not the intent. I look forward to having a better bylaw that reflect what people really want.”

 Marie-Josée Houle, a federal housing advocate whose non-partisan office works under the umbrella of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, had also urged council to backtrack.

“These measures would severely restrict access to basic shelter and food for people living in local homeless encampments and, as such, are in direct contravention of international human rights standards,” she wrote in a letter to members of council, Ontario Premier Doug Ford and Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Steve Clark.

“I am concerned that the proposed approach of the city to deny basic shelter to people living without access to housing or other safe and adequate formal shelter options will lead to a worsening of the crisis that your residents are experiencing,” she wrote.

I have seen all manner of human debasement in my lifetime. Criminalizing compassion and charity is but another egregious example.

It is clearly the true evil here.

UPDATE: In my view, the following represents a pusillanimous 'walk-back' from Barrie's mayor regarding the bylaw proposal. Apparently, it is all a 'miscommunication' due to sloppy wording and not a war on compassion after all:

Canadians' eyes are on you and your council, Mr. Mayor.


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Where Is He Now?

Were you to go down the right-hand side panel of this blog, you would see that Pat Robertson appears in 30 past posts. That I did not acknowledge his recent passing is attributable more to the fact that I've been busy lately rather than to a loss of interest in the crazed old evangelical, who exerted an outsized influence on the American political landscape.

We trust his arrival at his final destination went off without a hitch. 

Although I do not have time to list abuses of his evangelical authority over the years, you can click here if interested. His real master must be proud of him. In any event, a letter in today's Star gives one a real measure of the man, a diabolical mischief-maker who will not be missed by any sane and balanced individuals who still live amongst us:

Pat Robertson was an evangelical minister out for himself

Pat Robertson united evangelical Christians and pushed them into conservative politics, June 9

Ben Finley mentions some political scandals in his sparing reflection on Pat Robertson’s life. However, Finley notes that his enterprises included “Operation Blessing, an international humanitarian organization” without expanding on its reprehensible activities.

I am not surprised; very few people became aware of its work, except for those who saw the film “Mission Congo.”

The documentary screened as part of TIFF 2013. Shortly afterward it was almost impossible to find. I contacted the producers and directors to see if I could get a copy, using the information TIFF had provided, but could not reach them. For two years there seemed to be nothing. Best I could guess was Robertson’s lawyers had done a good job of keeping it out of public view. Eventually it came to Amazon U.S., but not Canada.

The film documented Robertson taking advantage of a huge, squalid camp near Goma, home to almost one million refugees. On his religious broadcasts he asked for contributions to send medicine and medical personnel to help the suffering. Seems like genuine Christian humanitarian work, right?

However, what the film demonstrated was: he used pictures of Doctors Without Boards workers to promote the fundraising, without their approval, making it look like Operation Blessing was providing the staff; sent boxes of Tylenol which the staff there found not so useful; used the money raised to purchase a light plane; and flew to the camp for a photo op where he shook hands with Théoneste Bagosora, the man who had helped lead the Rwandan genocide in collaboration with the Interhamwe and was later convicted by the international court in Arusha.

All of this would have been bad enough, but the real fraud came with how that new plane was used. It carried dredgers to Robertson’s diamond mine concessions in other parts of the Congo — concessions he had obtained with the alleged help of corrupt Congolese officials. The documentary included interviews with American donors who, having given from their meagre savings, felt completely duped.

So, let’s remember him for who he really was. Not someone who sold all to help the poor, but someone who milked the poor, ignored the true needs of others, and enriched himself.

Paul A. Wilson, Toronto

Somehow, I doubt that the good pastor is resting in peace.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Adding Fuel

In the debased species known as humanity, it perhaps is not surprising that the very wildfires consuming us have become fuel for yet more deranged people and their 'theories'. Here are two of my favourite examples of our ongoing slide into social, political and spiritual senescence:

The embers of one particular theory were fanned Thursday morning by Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, who was asked by podcast host Ryan Jespersen about how she reconciled her government’s resistance to emission reduction schemes with the reality that climate change is contributing to more damaging fires.

“I think you’re watching, as I am, the number of stories about arson,” she responded. “I’m very concerned that there are arsonists.”

 The question of arson seems to have taken hold in certain corners of the internet among users who share stories of people charged with arson, and given oxygen not only by Smith, but by federal politician and one-time Conservative leadership hopeful Maxime Bernier, who tweeted earlier this week that he bet “a good portion” of the fires had been “started by green terrorists.”

Then there is this illustration of supreme idiocy: Nicholas is fighting fires in Alberta. The rumour is that the military that came to help isn’t even Canadian…it is the UN. Here, not to fight fires, but to round “them” up and put them…🤔…where? IDK 🤷🏼‍♀️.

“Our guts are telling us it’s round up time”

That's all I have the heart for today. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

UPDATED: A Lesson For All Of Us

Some 'religious' people will undoubtedly find this teaching from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hard to accept. 

Republicans have good reason to fear this woman, because her ability to cut through their BS is a master class in the art of political engagement. She absolutely understands how to sell a values driven argument and her honesty, integrity and passion spills out from every point she eloquently makes. #DemsAct #DemVoice1 #wtpBLUE #ONEV1 #FAM46

UPDATE: If you go to the six-minute mark in the following, I think you will find a perfect example of the kind of misconduct AOC is railing against:

Apparently the video is no longer available on YouTube, but here is a link to the story and video.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

UPDATED: York Board Faces Backlash


The recent refusal of the York Catholic School Board to raise the Pride flag has generated a great deal of controversy. The childish and intolerant behaviour demonstrated by board officials, prelates and parents cries out for redress. Happily, Toronto Star readers are keen to provide some solid suggestions, the best being that it's time to stop funding the Catholic School system and its inherent bigotry:

Pride flag vote sparks outrage in YorkMay 30

Once again, proof that Ontario needs to jump into the 21st century and put an end to taxpayer-funded religious indoctrination.

Andrew Elrick, Whitby

 Despite the fact that Minister of Education Stephen Lecce and Ford have mandated all kinds of things with little or no input by the boards of education, both have suddenly developed a hands-off policy in dealing with the York District Catholic School Board.

When asked if he planned to intervene in the board’s decision not to fly the pride flag, Lecce answered with a bunch of political gobbly-gook.

Ford has “no comment,” obviously afraid to alienate his right-wing base. But it really comes as no surprise. Let’s remember when the Premier’s brother was mayor of Toronto and refused to fly the pride flag at city hall and also refused to appear in the pride parade because he spent that weekend at his cottage. Big brother Doug who was the mayor’s right hand man in all things apparently didn’t dissuade him to do the right thing.

The YDCSB’s refusal to protect a vulnerable group of students is reason in itself to eliminate provincial funding for Catholic education. It is long past the time to have a single system of education. As a taxpayer, I don’t want to be supporting bigotry.

Happy Pride Everyone!

Stephen Bloom, Toronto 

Somewhere in the Bible it says that God only loves heterosexuals?

I guess I missed that part.

Archie Gillis, Toronto 

 The York Catholic School Board is running scared. When will religion stop this persecution against LGBQT people? Be brave enough to fly the pride flag supporting the LGBQT community, especially our youth.

Fear is an insidious emotion that requires inner strength to overcome. Help our youth regardless of sex, sexual leaning, race, colour and religion. It shouldn’t matter one iota what a person identifies themselves as.

David Bell, Etobicoke

As a Catholic, I have to admit to being left in total confusion by the decision of the York Catholic District School Board under the guise of so-called “Catholicity.”

It is painfully obvious that their understanding of their church does not align with the principles and fundamental teachings of Jesus, its founder, because he stated quite categorically through Matthew’s Gospel (in KJV) Ch18: v5-6 “ … whoso shall offend one of these little ones … it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

His directive is as clear as the decision of the YCDSB to not fly the LGBTQ banner in support of a minority and fringe group of students who they gladly have in their classes while taking tax dollars, donations and other financial support for their education.

If they were really honest, they should not accept any students into their schools who see the rainbow flag as a symbol of solidarity, unity, diversity and hard-fought acceptance. Through their decision not to fly this flag, they have not only offended these young people but have clearly taken a stance of rejecting them as full members of our human family.

 Matthew Marosszeky, retired Catholic school administrator), Aurora

Good letters to the editor have one thing in common: solid, informed opinion that is able to break through the miasma of prejudice hobbling so many people. 

Of course, I expect the words of the above writers to have no impact whatsoever. 

UPDATE:  The following is a good example of the childish hectoring the so-called religious like to engage in. My guess is that this warrior for Jesus has yet to crack open the New Testament.

My apologies to the above warrior. I had no idea he was capable of multitasking. Here he is with his 'freedom-loving' brethren:




Thursday, June 1, 2023

UPDATED: No Pride In York


Although I make no claim to psychic powers, I can pretty safely predict someone who will soon lose her job. Her name is Dina Mayr, a teacher in the York Catholic District School Board.

Ms. Mayr, a 23-year employee of the board, has taken public exception to York's refusal to allow the Pride flag to be raised at any buildings within their jurisdiction. She

is the parent of a transgender child, who went to a school she taught at. She feels “utterly ashamed” to be a part of a system that made this decision.

“It seems to be a worldwide movement of hatred that has just infiltrated school boards, including our own,” she said. While her son has now graduated, Mayr used to feel like he was safe with her advocating behind the scenes.

“I can’t believe that a Catholic school, a Catholic system can stand by and allow that to continue to happen.”

Apparently, in the minds of some, raising the Pride flag is tantamount to surrendering to an 'agenda' that runs contrary to the Catholic faith. 

[B]oard chair Frank Alexander told reporters that trustees were advised by two archbishops that the flags don’t “align with our Catholic values.” 

"That’s fundamentally why I voted against it,” he said, noting schools that fly the flag would face consequences.

Apparently, the message of love, acceptance and compassion that permeates the New Testament means nothing to the powers-that-be, who seem more in tune with the Old Testament Yahweh, who was known to get His celestial nose out of joint on occasion, resulting in much smiting and tribulation.

But, I suppose, we must respect the doctrinal 'purity' of York's decision:

At York Catholic, Alexander was asked why the YCDSB is one of a few remaining boards that won’t fly the flag, and he said “what’s different about us is that we stand for our faith, we stand for Christ.”

The committee’s report, however, said “our Catholicity calls us to be inclusive, compassionate, and empathetic. Pope Francis continues to urge all of us to welcome LGBTQ members into the church, to demonstrate ‘tenderness, please, as God has for each one of us.’”

A political response riddled with hypocrisy, if there ever was one.

Getting back to vocal critic Dina Mayr and my prediction of a truncated career with York, allow me to tell you a story from my teaching days demonstrating that publicly opposing your employer, while perhaps principled, is never tolerated. 

In my final year or two of teaching, I had a terrible principal, one I regarded as a psychopath. My vice-principal was sane, but he was an overly sensitive man who saw those of us in the West Wing of the school  (the farthest geographic point from the administrators) as constantly conspiring against him and his ilk. (It wasn't true. We only occasionally conspired against him.) Anyway, he redeemed himself completely in my eyes after he left our school to become principal of a vocational school within our board. By all accounts, he did an excellent job for the students, so much so that he publicly railed against the board's decision to close his school.

Ultimately, his efforts failed, and he was slated to become the principal of a vocational school elsewhere when the board announced it had changed its mind and appointed someone else, on the pretext that in the closing days of his old school, an act of  vandalism under his watch. While they refused to comment on his fate, I later learned the board fired him. The same fate awaits Ms. Mayr, perhaps, for example, for something as trivial as unauthorized used of the photocopier. 

The lesson to be learned, a hard one, is this:

"Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord [and the board].

UPDATE: Here is Michael Coren's take on the issue.