Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Damning Indictment Of Mike Duffy - UPDATE

Watch as Don Martin uses words like fake and Conservative shill in his withering assessment of The Puffster:

H/t Enough Harper

UPDATE: Apparently the powers that be at CTV have pulled the above from their website, and it is no longer available on Youtube.

To read the content of Martin's dress-down of Duffy, click here.

Political Activism that Bears Fruit

Probably one of the biggest challenges politically aware and active people face is the fear that even after giving it their best, little, if anything, will change. The powers that be seem deaf to reason, the bureacractic wall seems impenetrable, and the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel appears to be ever-receding. The prospect of failure is ever-present and daunting.

The hard truth of the matter is that effecting change requires an indefatigable hope and energy that few of us possess. Nonetheless, sometimes victories occur, and when they do, I think we all need to take heart from them.

A story in this morning's Star, by Catherine Porter, is a story of one of those victories. The tenacity and methodology of the Toronto Environmental Alliance in bringing about a ban on cosmetic use of pesticides, a ban that later became the basis of a provincial ban, is well-worth reading about, no matter what level of politics you are most passionate about.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Stephen Harper - Then and Now

“I have looked at the numbers. Her travel costs are comparable to any parliamentarian travelling from that particular area of the country over that period of time”
- Stephen Harper, February 13, 2013, as part of his staunch defence of Senator Pam Wallin's extravagent expenses, now under investigation.

Wallin resigns from Tory caucus to sit as independent - May 17, 2013: A source tells The Canadian Press that Wallin was told by Prime Minister Stephen Harper that she could not stay in caucus.

Hmm, why did things change? Perhaps the answer can be found below:

For a less sensational take on the deepening scandal, Tim Harper in today's Star is well-worth the read.

A Reasonable Doubt?

You decide.

Guest Commentary On The Temporary Foreign Workers Program

We just returned from a visit to our son out West, where the use of temporary foreign workers appears to be ubiquitous. It seemed that every Tim Hortons, every Subway Sandwich, and many hospitality sites were employing temporary workers, many of whom were trainees (which suggests the high turnover rate in these low-paying positions.)

As I said to my son, since things are quite prosperous in Alberta, and restaurants are always well-patronized, even during the week, it would seem incumbent upon those enterprises to pay living wages rather than exploit the loopholes in the program, especially the one that permits wages 15% lower than that paid to Canadians. If that were done, the business claim that they can't find Canadians for the jobs would be exposed for the canard it truly is.

Last year I wrote a post on the subject; this morning Anonymous offered a comment on the program in response that is both succinct and insightful. I am taking the liberty of posting it below:

The temporary foreign worker program is simply a guise to acquire cheap labor at the expense of Canadian citizens.

Let's review the evidence shall we?

1. Bringing in cheap foreign labor erodes competitive labor markets that are needed in order to drive up Canadian worker's wages so that they might enjoy a decent standard of living.

2. Temporary foreign workers are in theory born from neoliberalism capitalist ideology that states and i quote " the only responsibility of businesses is to maximize profits"

3. Temporary foreign worker programs deprive Canadian youth of the transitory jobs that they need in order to transition into higher paying work. People who go months on end being unemployed are almost considered unemployable by business. This sets our youth up for future failure and a society that relies on government handouts for their survival.

4. Temporary foreign worker program deviates from free capitalist ideology and moves into socialistic capitalist theory and essentially props up businesses that should otherwise fail with cheap labor.

5. Temporary foreign workers are abused verbally, emotionally and sometimes put in harms way physically so that inefficient businesses can stay afloat.

6. Temporary foreign worker programs add to the growing socioeconomic inequality that is destroying western industrialized countries by crushing labor sectors.

We could go on and on all day long. Believe the propaganda of business or believe the academics? Who do you truly think has the average Canadian's best interests at heart?

Vote out the conservatives and elect the party that acts on the demands of Canadian citizens.