Sunday, June 23, 2024

Solutions Abound

 I'm away right now, but thought I would share a Twitter post by Mike Hudema, who devotes himself to matters of the environment. His posts show what is possible and indirectly cast light on the fact that our governments, which, although renewable energy is now cheaper than fossil fuels when all things are considered, do little to wean us off of those fuels and continue to heavily subsidize them. This, of course, conveniently ignores the increasingly dire climatic disaster engulfing our planet.


  1. That seems like quite an investment to power a tractor.

  2. On the other hand, John, it also protects the plants and serves as a useful demonstration of the potential of such technology.

  3. OK; this is old .
    it still rings true.

    How we are blinded by big business and it's never ending will for the consumer to over indulge!
    Some years ago the world was deluged with advertising that promoted , The "Mission statement!!
    What friggin claptrap that concealed corporate greed?
    They had no nerve to say their mission was to inflate the value for their investors!
    In this day of mega advertising and the introduction of AI corporate greed has never been so obvious !
    Mission statement , my arse!

    1. Thanks for the link, TB, which I shall watch later. Regarding corporate greed, every time I see a commercial for almost anything, I know I am watching a fantasy masking an underlying quite ugly reality. The ones I am especially amused and bemused by are American drug ads and energy company ads. Like the drug ads, the the latter should require the fine print that reveal so much more truth about the product' than the pretty pictures that bombard us in the videos.

  4. I am continually bemused by automobile advertisements where the hero is driving his massive vehicle though pristine wilderness with nary another car in sight. Real life probably means stop-and-go traffic on the Don Valley or Décarie Expressways.

    1. Oh, if only we lived in that pristine world, Anon.
