Sunday, April 16, 2023

Eerily Prescient

In 1986, Frank Zappa appeared on Crossfire, a show that billed itself as a forum for debate between opposing views. In the following clip, (you can see the entire episode here), Zappa makes an observation that, although hotly contested by the other guests, proves to be eerily prescient, given the bizarre ideology currently enveloping the United States:


  1. Ronald Reagan pandered to the religious right for votes.
    The religious right are well organised and well financed.
    Bit by bit they are marrying the state with their religion, a theocracy is just around the corner.
    America has sold itself to the devil that pretends to be a caring Christian!

    1. Sadly, those who claim to be religious and Christian often seem to be following a playbook that strangely resembles the one adhered to by the Taliban, TB.
