Were Bill Morneau the Conservative Minister of Finance, you can rest assured that 'progressives' would be howling for his political blood. However, because he is part of Team Trudeau, some choose to entirely ignore his massive conflict of interest and instead distort my views for their own twisted purposes. One such misrepresentation is the claim that I have said Trudeau is worse than Harper, a complete fabrication.
Were I another sort of person, the offending blogger's many libelous comments about me would result in legal action. But I am a self-assured person who can take criticism; what I steadfastly reject, however, are outright lies about me, the only reason I am making any reference at all to his overwrought posts.
I also realize now that there is likely something quite pathological in his rants and attempts at online bullying, and he is more to be pitied than rebuked. I will speak no more of him or his screeds; he is not worth more than the two minutes it took to write these opening paragraphs.
Those who are willing to examine the facts of Bill Morneau's ethical mess clearly see the damage he has done to his and his government's credibility. Tim Harper writes:
One is left with the unmistakable sense that he got caught by some enterprising reporting. What if the Globe and Mail had not found that Morneau’s substantial holdings were not in a blind trust?And Justin Trudeau's 'defence' of Morneau was to attack those with legitimate questions.
One could easily believe that Morneau would have continued on his path, using a loophole in the conflict-of-interest legislation that allowed him to hold shares in the family company through an arm’s-length holding company.
When Morneau introduced Bill C-27, legislation to make it easier for federal employees to move to a targeted benefit pension, a move that would benefit Morneau Shepell, the company’s stock went up 4.8 per cent within days, Cullen says. Morneau, he said, would have made $2 million in five days from that jump. But it’s not known if Morneau was holding or selling stock at that time.
A day earlier, Trudeau seemed to wilt while taking 30 questions on Morneau, falling back on familiar tropes — referring to opposition questions as “mud-slinging,” accusing Conservatives of trying to sully Morneau’s good name, of “shrieking,” and playing “petty politics.”This entire fiasco makes the Liberal government look very bad and has seriously undermined whatever agenda it has, as pointed out in today's Star editorial:
Accusing opponents of getting down in the mud doesn’t work here. The charges against Morneau were sufficiently serious that they deserved more substantive answers.
Over the last week, Morneau has retreated from the small-business tax-reform fiasco that no doubt ruined his summer. In an effort to quiet the uproar over the initiative, the government will drop or scale-back several of the proposed measures and significantly cut the small-business tax rate.Finally, last night's At Issue panel discussed both Morneau and the larger record of the Trudeau government thus far. It starts just after the one-minute mark:
The result is that the push for reform will have had the opposite of its intended effect. The government started out with at least two important aims: reduce incentives for professionals to incorporate as a way to pay less tax on income; and increase government revenue at a time of rising debt. But in the end, Morneau will have, on balance, increased the incentives to incorporate and cost the government significant revenues.
Engagement with the political process is crucial for a healthy democracy. Willful blindness to its shortcomings is in no one's best interests.
Support for some policies does not mean support for all of them. That kind of binary thinking has put us in our present quandry, Lorne.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, Owen. Absolutist thinking often suggests untutored or ideologically extreme minds, in my view.
DeleteYou are perhaps being too kind here, Mound.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteAnon 3:05 I have reviewed the links you sent me, but as far as I can see, Simon's colourful and hyperbolic remarks in those posts may not sit well with you, but I can't say that they live up to what you alleged in your above comment. Therefore, I am removing that comment. Because I am unable to edit responses, I cannot keep any of it, including your opinion that Simon is rude and spiteful and should be removed from Progressive Bloggers, something that, in my view, constitutes fair commentary.
DeleteHi Lorne...if you are going to threaten to sue me, then get your facts right. As the cartoon I made, but you didn't dare publish, makes clear it is the Mound of Sound who is always claiming that "Trudeau is worse than Harper." While you merely nod your head and/or kiss his ass.
ReplyDeleteBut that's the kind of mediocrity I expect from you, and what I take objection to is the comment just above this one.
And the reason I object to it is not only because it is false, and comes from a deranged homophobe who has been bombarding me with that same threat and others for at least two years.
But of course cannot produce any evidence of the many "crimes" he accuses me of committing and writing about for two very good reasons.
(1) I haven't committed any.
(2) I have never been in trouble with the police, and have no criminal record.
By printing that comment you give credence to that maniac's claim and are in my opinion guilty of criminal libel.
So here's what's going to happen now. I will give you a day to delete that comment and apologize.
On Sunday If that hasn't happened, I will write a post and share your vile allegations with my readers.
And if by Monday you still haven't deleted that comment I will begin legal proceedings.
Finally, may I ask you to look in the mirror, and ask yourself what kind of aberrant person you have become, and how low have you fallen.
Yours sincerely
Simon Fraser
Simon, in the comment section of your post, you did say that I think Trudeau is worse than Harper.
DeleteSimon 6:26 "And my opinion of them has always been clear. If they believe that Justin Trudeau is worse than Stephen Harper they ARE either really dumb or senile..."
Simon 8:16 " I don't have a problem with anyone criticizing Justin Trudeau, but I will never accept the nonsense that Trudeau is worse than Harper. It's an assault on reality and decency..."
And, of course, you did nothing to dispel the false accusation when your commentators picked up on it.
As for the anonymous comment you take exception to, if he does not provide me with the links within the next day, I will delete them, not because I fear your puerile attempt at intimidation, but because it is not my intention to malign you. I have always tried to maintain a certain decorum on my blog, but unfortunately veered from that goal thanks to your provocations. Nor will I waste any more of my time with you. You have become a gnat to me.
Your increasingly out-of control slurs against me attest to the debasement you have allowed to yourself to fall into. I think it is some time for some soul-searching on your part, Simon.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteI will await the links, Anon, and take the action that seems appropriate.
DeleteLorne you poor old fool, you really must be losing your marbles. The freak who sent you that threat to me is a virulent homophobe, and I have copies of similar threats which are almost word for word, along with the IP number. I also have a list of comments from the same IP number which are some of the filthiest anti-gay threats I have ever received. And I receive a lot of them. The person you are corresponding with is an anti-gay maniac. And If you don't realize that by now, I suggest that you seek help immediately. I never threatened you, by allowing a bigot to threaten me, you have. I will fight this case in the name of bullied gay people everywhere. Everything I said in my first comment still holds, and I sincerely suggest that you comply with my fair and just demands, or you will end up in court, and you will be sorry.
DeleteTry to remain calm. I have already said if these allegations are unfounded, I will remove the comment. By the way, if you have all this information about this alleged homophobe, why have you not taken it to the authorities?
DeleteAnon 11:45. Please see earlier in the comment strand the reason I have deleted your comments.
Delete.. partisanship is a problem ..
ReplyDeleteTry as I may.. I just can't come up with a more respected & respectful indy blogger than you..
Without any idea who has been attacking you.. I would just pass on my brilliant sister's advice.. she is a retired & reknowned educational exemplar, a wondrous parent & grandparent.. a determined non partisan..
"fight the battles you can win"
I myself.. see myself as a problem solver.. always willing to engage.. but in recent year have given ground & credence to her edict. I now accept fully, that I have never 'won' an arguement in my life. That's right.. not ever, thus I offer you my humble & simple advice..
'remain calm' - 'be strong' ..
Many thanks for your encouraging words, Sal. I thought long and had before writing the post, as I generally try to keep above that sort of fray. I have ignored his past abusive comments about me, but the tipping point was in his attribution to me of something I have neither said nor feel, i.e. that Trudeau is worse than Harper.
Delete.. sent a related comment to Simon this AM ..
ReplyDeletenot far removed what I sent earlier .. your way..
'remain calm' .. be strong ..
Where this character miscasts my remarks is that I've never said Trudeau is worse than Harper. What I have said is that Harper did some really bad stuff, but he's a Tory from Western Canada and that is what you can expect. It is worse in my view, however, when a Liberal pursues those same policies. To this guy's fervid mind that means I'm saying that Trudeau is worse than Harper. That's his spin on it.
ReplyDeleteThis fellow is hot-headed which is why I prefer not to engage with him.
We live with the deeply fractured society in the land next door. We see the consequences. There are people who will countenance no good on the other side and no ill on their own. Most of the examples that come to mind are on the rightwing faction of the Republicans, FOX News, Limbaugh, Jones, the Tea Party types, that sort of thing. There are, however, good people on both sides who don't see the other guy as their enemy simply because that person is on the other team and also don't see their own side as beyond criticism. This group is the hope for a restoration of social cohesion should that become possible in the future. So long as enough of the others prevail that badly needed cohesion won't be possible.
.. calm .. strong .. get there
ReplyDeleteslip aside from the words
he said or he said or someone else said..
feel that Canadian wind in your face
and take it as your fresh new reference point
and let the words fall like the leaves of autumn
& let em lie.. just let them lie ..
Bury your swords .. too
we're adults now.. eh ?
Very evocatively expressed, Sal. I agree completely. Thank you.
DeleteHow dare you tell me to remain calm when you are the one who has been running around with your knickers in a knot. You are the one who overreacted to criticism to a degree that makes me question your mental stability. While I on the other hand kept perfectly calm and merely demanded that you stop providing a platform to a deranged religious fanatic and homophobe. There have been many death threats and several police investigations, and I have no intention of revealing whether the bigot in question is the subject of an ongoing investigation or not. But I would save that freak's IP number since you may be requested to provide it. I'm glad you deleted that slanderous comment, but I'm not happy that you decided to grade my posts as if you were back in your classroom, and had any business deciding whether the ten-year-old posts of a young blogger were worthy or not. Who the hell do you think you are? Finally, I am disappointed that you don't have the class to apologize for your outrageous behaviour, but I can't say I'm surprised. You have shown yourself to be a man with all the empathy of a Trump. And as I told you in my first comment, you really need to look into a mirror and ask yourself how low have you fallen?
ReplyDeleteSimon, please see the post I put up a few minutes ago.