Saturday, August 6, 2016

If You Are Judged By The Company You Keep

Watch this video for confirmation of things you probably already know about Donald Trump:


  1. Lorne, this video egged me on to complete a post on some chilling research presented by on the rise of American authoritarianism. We may be witnessing the dawn of America's Weimar era which, given the difficulties facing the US in the two decades to come, could seriously destabilize, even facture that nation. The danger from this sort of thing would not be contained for long within America's borders. What this report doesn't address is the compounding effect of Bernie, Reich et al simultaneously leading a movement of the Left.

    Interesting times, my friend. Interesting times.

    1. I just logged on to the computer, Mound, but I look forward to reading your reflections. It is indeed frightening to consider the full implications of what is happening south of the border. The cult of personality and all that that implies is clearly alive and well.

  2. This video is certainly fodder/prolefeed for PC pearl clutchers. Of course, one would have to be a complete ignoramus to believe that this resembles the kind of mob violence and intimidation that Hilter and Mussolini incited. Or that there was a point in time when people in the American south did not use this kind of language.

    VLINOs believe it's the end of the world when some people indulge in racist slurs. But if politicians are taking bribes causing: financial meltdowns, the looting of wages and benefits, war-for-profit, etc. there's nothing wrong, as long as they adhere to the PC religion.

    1. While inciting the unhinged to anger and hatred may be but one of the many 'sins' of politicians today, Anon, it is a major one. Indulging in historical relativism should not in any way be used to minimize the danger and ugliness of what Trump has unleashed. Any critical thinker would see that such incitement renders Trump manifestly unfit for the position he is seeking.

      As well, you seem to be drawing a bifurcated line when it comes to people's values and sensibilities. What makes you think that those who object to the racist rants Trump is inciting don't also care about the corruption you cite?

    2. I see someone who has taken over $100-million in bribes manifestly unfit for the position she is seeking. Part of the bribe money was involved in the Panama Papers tax haven. Some involved in arms deals for foreign powers. Some laid the foundation for the 2000s Bust Out and 2008 global financial meltdown we have yet to recover from.

      I really can't fathom how people don't see the danger in this. (Let alone how they rationalize it.) Another financial meltdown predicated on banking deregulation Tim Kaine has promised to bankers via a plutocratic dog whistle will trigger real fascist revolutions and world war. Just like the 1930s. Then ban Muslims. Or put them in concentration camps. It won't matter. Because that will be that.

      Walls can be torn down. Bans lifted. But you can't undo another financial meltdown. Those who cried wolf over Trump will get to see the real deal before the end. Then they can cry all they want. But it won't save them from the real Wolves of Wall Street and all the hell they will have unleashed on the world.

      Now, and only now, is the time to stop the corruption. (If Hillary wins in 2016 that ensures a Republican revolution in 2020 because of growing economic misery and 12 years of Great Recession under Democratic presidents. That puts off the New Deal until 2024. By then it will be too late. Some nations will have already rejected capitalism and democracy for fascism. The world will be divided along Axis and Allied lines. The fascist leaders will be unstable. They won't abide a cold war like Russia and China which have a long history of fascism. A decade from now the world could very well be a smoldering radioactive wasteland. .)
