Thursday, March 17, 2016

In A World Where Truth Mattered

....this might be significant. Unfortunately, the more Donald Trump lies, the more popular he seems to become with his acolytes, who laud him for his 'authenticity'. Too bad so many Americans seem to have slipped into a parallel universe.


  1. .. interesting of course .. but having lived through Stephen Harper, Ray Novak, Peter Kent, Tony Clement, John Baird et al for 10 years, the complete dangerous idiocy & ignorance of their corrupt evangel brethren to the south, the GOP .. Tea Party.. pretendaRepublicans cannot surprise me anymore.

    CompleteDeceit is now SOP.. just lie, deny, lie some more, do it again and again. After all there is no consequence from media, or at least no power or resl retribution.. and we should always remember that liars can't keep their endless fabrications straight.. the details change - that's one of the basic premises of policing.. get the suspects to tell their story over and over until you catch the details slipping. Besides. Donald Trump is simply a wealthy buffoon - & like Stephen Harper, why should we expect a shred of decency, believability or responsibility to somehow emerge?

    1. I agree with your commentary here, Salamander, but what bothers me the most here is the fact that Trump can't or refuses to even bother keeping his lies straight, and his followers, who seem to be legion (in the Biblical sense) don't even care. This suggests an ongoing and unfinished debasement and abuse of democracy.

  2. It is interesting at the end of the clip the woman says "Trump's supporters trust him more than they trust the media." But what she should have said is that they "trust him more than they trust reality or their own ears."

    1. Their addiction to their own version of 'reality,' Kirby, seems to be interfering here.
