As cowardly, indefensible and savage as the terrorist attacks on Paris were, equally so is the response of the right-wing, eager to score points by exploiting that massacre for its own twisted political purposes.
If you haven't already done so, be sure to read Montreal Simon's post on the matter. As well, check out the video carried on Addicting Info, and if that doesn't sicken you sufficiently, take a look at Mother Jones, which carries some of the most outrageous tweets by some of the most unhinged minds in U.S. political culture today.
Beyond that, I have nothing to say.
I fear, Lorne, that the fabric of our society is hopelessly rent. The practitioners of wedge politics, fearmongering and nurturing the basest instincts and biases of the susceptible segment of society have done a very effective job. It's becoming increasingly harder to find common ground with that group because they have been radicalized, they truly have. It began in the States but during the Harper years the radical right became a reality for Canada also.
ReplyDeleteI am sure that here at home, Mound, the Harpersaurs are rubbing their hands and chortling as they prepare their own attacks on the Trudeau plans to end the combat mission and bring in 25,000 refugees. The Canadian public is far from immune to their tactics.
Deletehi Lorne...thanks for linking to my post. I spent about an hour searching through twitter feeds, and if I had the space I could have included about fifty other disgusting examples. It was such an eruption it reminded me of the days when the blogosphere was a jungle, about eight years ago. I was just starting to blog and was constantly horrified by the ugliness of some of the Con trolls. Let's hope their defeat doesn't cause them to fly out of their caves, and go crazy again...
ReplyDeleteHi Simon. My pleasure. You always do such a thorough job that there really was little to add, so a link to your post was natural. There is little doubt in my mind that the newly 'reborn' remnants of the Harpersaurs will be looking upon this massacre with a certain chortling glee as they work to undermine the new government. it's all they know, and all they care to know. I guess that is an occupational hazard that comes with the belief that their ideology is a repository of all that is good and holy. ;)
Delete.. hmm.. the 'radical right' Mound ? Radicalized even? Its indisputable that a portion.. perhaps a tiny portion of that faction is somewhat educated.. thus we get the erudite Jason Kenney's the holier than thou Arthur Hamilton's and the ivory tower Tom Flanagan's.. or Kellie Leitch's spouting the thin & bitter gruel to THE BASE .. and small mind partisan media echo the mantra dogma and superstition.. and feed THE BASE more horseshit intellectualisms fallacies and biblical prophesy.. Goodness ! The SKY IS FALLING ! We must export more dilbit to China, pipelines & supertankers uber alles.. down with the infindels ! Get more RCAF overseas for bombing missions !
ReplyDeleteI believe indy media is starting to herd mainstream media.. If MainMedia want to perform a great buffalo jump with a small but loud n rude ignorant part of the population.. well Amen.. and enjoy the flight.. send a postcard from the pile of lemmings down there.
Indy voters already sent a message to Harper Inc.. and the scatterings & witless political posers are already 'toning' their nasty message down via Rona Ambrose.. Can barely wait to see her in the front row of The Formal Opposition, with Peter Van Loan, Stephen Blaney.. and the toad prince In waiting Jason Kenney.. lurking offstage will be the Ken Boessenkools, Hamiltons, Flanagans... all cringing as they get roasted for the partisan evangel Quislings they are ..