Friday, October 7, 2011

Chris Hedges Vs. Kevin O'Leary

Many thanks to Dr. Dawg and Let Freedom Rain for the link to this video, in which Chris Hedges demonstrates amply his disdain for that bombastic cipher, Kevin O'Leary.


  1. Is anyone else getting tired of Canadian journalism's preoccupation with the whole "left wing/right wing" thing? It betrays their lack of ability to look beneath the surface of news stories, contributes to the dumbing down of canadian public discourse, and most importantly, is hopelessly behind the times. There is a movement happening right now that goes way beyond left and right - this is the movement that is capturing the enthusiasm of the supposedly politically apathetic younger generation, who are probably just bored catatonic with outdated and irrelevant left/right party politics. CBC, for christ's sake, please get with it!

  2. Is anyone else getting tired of Canadian journalism's preoccupation with the whole "left wing/right wing" thing? It betrays their lack of ability to look beneath the surface of news stories, contributes to the dumbing down of canadian public discourse, and most importantly, is hopelessly behind the times. There is a movement happening right now that goes way beyond left and right - this is the movement that is capturing the enthusiasm of the supposedly politically apathetic younger generation, who are probably just bored catatonic with outdated and irrelevant left/right party politics. CBC, for christ's sake, please get with it!
