Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Harper Conservatives: A Scapegoat For Every Occasion

I just finished reading a thoughtful piece by Michael Ignatief's former chief speechwriter, Adam Goldenberg, suggesting that those Tory functionaries who are scapegoated for the government's crimes often go on to their reward - reinstatement within the party hierarchy.

A reposting of a reader's comment following the article speaks volumes:

I am 91 years old and have voted for the Conservative Party all my life. I fought over in Europe during the second world war to defend Canada's freedoms from tyranny, and now the nazi jackboot is descending on Canada. Some of my friends died in battle long ago as I live to watch Canada being slowly turned into nazi Germany by this group in Ottawa that I voted for. I hope I live long enough to see them out of power. These people in Ottawa are dangerous to our cherished freedoms and are a danmation to those who died preserving Canada's freedoms from people like them.

From A Repentant Ex-Conservative

This sobering reminder from Victor Pocaterra of the price we pay for a corrupt government should give everyone pause:

A few months ago I was a card carrying Conservative, serving as a director on both the Guelph and Kitchener-Center Conservative electoral district association boards. I succeeded Michael Sona as president of the University of Guelph Campus Conservatives and I can tell you I deeply regret all the work I have done for the Conservative Party of Canada.

They have gone against Canadian values and have made a joke out of our democracy. I believed I was working for a cause to bring greater accountability, transparency and respect for the taxpayer; the result was just the opposite.

Canada is a great nation, built by a people who value hard work, taking responsibility for one’s actions and above all honesty. The government that sits in Ottawa values only power and cannibalizes its own in order to save face.

As someone who has seen what is talked about in the party, I can only say God help Canada in the next four years. Because it won’t be the country that veterans, like my grandfather fought so hard to protect.

Victor Pocaterra, Kitchener

For Anyone Inclined to Give Harper The Benefit Of The Doubt...

I urge you to read Lawrence Martin's damning assessment of his dirty operations.

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: / Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

The face of unrepentant smarm:

Monday, February 27, 2012

Is The Channel About To Be Changed?

Always adept at averting attention from their criminal acts, look for a Harper push to change the channel with this information.

In my humble opinion, neither Towes nor any other member of his 'rat-pack' deserves any gesture of contrition, only contempt.

The Conservatives: Farther Gone Than I Had Realized

The Harperites are more out of touch with reality than I realized if they think this Tory bought-and-paid-for hack is going to do them any good in their voter-suppression crimes.

The Public Responds To Conservative Voter-Suppression Crimes

While I normally spend little time reading readers' on-line comments in The Globe and Mail, these, I think, help to capture the fury more and more of the public is feeling over Harper-inspired malfeasance.