Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Linda McQuaig on Harper's Anti-Labour Policies

Drawing comparisons between Republican animus toward labour and Harper government policies that permit the kind of outrageous corporate behaviour unfolding at Electro-Motive Canada, Linda McQuaig's column in today's Star warns us of what is ahead for workers in Canada.

Two key excerpts provide the tone of her piece:

Harper played a key role in bringing about this disaster for the London workers by approving the sale of the company, Electro-Motive Diesel, to foreign-owned Caterpillar in 2010, after supposedly investigating whether the deal was in Canada’s interests.

Harper is of course staunchly pro-capitalist, and has aggressively lowered corporate tax rates, while refusing to link lower taxes to investment or job creation.

But his anti-union stance, evident in disputes at Air Canada and the post office last summer, has been particularly provocative. He seems determined to turn Canada into an anti-union paradise

As usual, McQuaig's analysis is well-worth perusing in full.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Self-Serving Rhetoric From The Toronto Police

As one who strives to be a critical thinker, I am loathe to make absolutist or ill-informed statements and assertions, even as I admit to frequently falling short of the mark. Nonetheless, after the debacle of the G20 Summit of June 2010 held in Toronto, I find myself frequently dubious of statements from the police that may serve to conceal or excuse instances of brutality and blatant violation of our Charter Rights.

It is for this reason that I am very skeptical of assertions by the Toronto Police, as reported in today's Star about Sean Salvati.

Readers may recall that Salvati, a paralegal, was arrested, stripped naked, paraded in front of a female officer and left without his clothing in a jail cell in June of 2010, allegedly for public intoxication, a claim he vigorously denies. According to him, his humiliating treatment was prompted by an innocuous remark to a couple of RCMP officers about the task that lay ahead of them the next day, the Saturday of the G20 Summit.

Even if one chooses to disbelieve Salvati's claim, his lawyer's protracted and frequently frustrated efforts to obtain some basic documentation and the video of his client's ordeal is a testament to police obstructionism.

I hope you can spare a few moments to read the entire article.

A Star Reader's Perspective On Caterpillar Inc.

I have been offline for the past several days, the reason for which I may write about later. For now, I am taking the liberty of reproducing the excellent lead letter appearing in the print edition of today's Star in which the writer, Dr. Robert Bahlieda, offers some penetrating insights into the significance of what is happening at the Electo-Motive plant in London, Ontario.

The lockout of the Caterpillar workers in London, Ont. reflects the brave new world of neoliberalism, an extreme right-wing ideology that has taken over Western and global society in the last 25 years.

It is a white, elitist, winner-take-all philosophy that emphasizes tax cuts, competition, de-regulated free markets, toothless labour protections, sharply reduced wages and limited social program funding. This has become the new normal under the mantra of globalization.

In this theory, according to its propaganda, North American working people are always to blame for the economy’s problems through their unwillingness to work for paltry wages without benefits, pensions or full-time jobs. They are also viewed as ingrates who scoff at low-paid work and foolishly demand civil and human rights as employees.

They hold the deluded belief that the world should be a place where society works for the well-being of all rather than the few. They are socialists.

Huge multinational corporations like Caterpillar on the other hand are the true aggrieved party in society, always struggling to increase market share and margins for demanding shareholders in order to create more jobs and grow the economy.

Emboldened by a litany of economic crises in the past two decades, the conservative right smells blood in the water and have ramped up their rhetoric, extremism and attacks on working people, minorities and the poor all over the world.

In the Darwinian universe they envision and believe in governments should drop the charade of democracy and allow business to take over the running of the world. Effectively this is already happening through globalization and free trade agreements, while governments have been left to play the roles of castrated eunuchs ministering to the demands of free-enterprise and wringing their conveniently tied hands.

It is a world where any job is a good job and those who fight for living wages are branded obstructionists or left-wing radicals. It is a world where anyone who resists authority is demonized. It is a world where the private-sector media takes on the social conscience and investigative roles that are the responsibility of democratic governments to protect citizens from the rapacious greed of free marketeers and others who would exploit society for their own gain. It is a world where the many toil for the few and are thankful for doing so.

Instead of being outraged by this situation and giving broad public support to movements like the Occupy flash protests, we sit passively by while we celebrate these corporate titans as though they were mythical gods benevolently dispensing wise, paternal advice to us all.

It is a Milton Friedman world of democracy through capitalism. In the 1960s this situation would have induced millions of people of all ages, colours and backgrounds to occupy every public space around the world — and politicians and governments would have been compelled to listen.

Instead, today we change the channel and move on. Democracy is going away with a whimper. It is the world of the Tea Party, the federal Conservatives and Mayor Rob Ford. Welcome to the brave new world of the London, Ont. Caterpillar workers.

Dr. Robert Bahlieda, Newmarket

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Will The Legendary Harper Vindictiveness Rear Its Head Again?

A report in today's Globe suggests we could soon be seeing another instance of Harper bullying and intimidation tactics.

Well-known for his intolerance of and disdain for dissent, and given his Natural Resources' Minister's recent musings about radicals having infiltrated the environmental opposition to the proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline, Mr. Harper, environmentalists fear, "is planning to limit their advocacy role."

The story goes on to say:

The Conservative-dominated Commons finance committee is set to begin a review of the charity sector, and several activists say government MPs have told business groups that the committee will look at the environmental sector’s transparency, its advocacy role and the flow of funds from outside the country.

Given his autocratic nature and the fact that he has a majority government, there seems little to stop the dark lord from doing as he pleases, except perhaps a clamorous and widespread expression of public indignation over his thuggish tactics.

Given our legendary passivity and docility, I'm not expecting too much of that.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bob Rae's March toward Coronation

In a development that will likely surprise few, it seems that steps are being prepared to permit Bob Rae, the Liberal Party's interim leader, to run for the permanent leadership. I have little doubt, despite his initial denial that he was seeking the position, that this was Rae's plan all along.

His messiah complex, so evident in his efforts to blame everyone (unions, Buzz Hargrove, the economy) except himself following his loss after one term as NDP Premier of Ontario, is obviously very much alive.

Should they choose Rae, I think the Liberals will find that something else is very much alive as well in Ontario: people's memories of his disastrous rule in which he quite blithely abandoned many of the principles that had guided the NDP for a very long time, choosing instead to placate business interests at the expense of the common good.

Harper To Strike Another Blow Against Democracy To Ease His Frustration

The other day I wrote a post about the dark lord's frustration over the democratic expression of opposition to the Northern Gateway oilsands pipeline. It seems 'dear leader' feels that environmental groups appearing at public hearings are in the sway of 'foreign money' out to hijack the process. It appears that Harper will now abrogate another democratic safeguard to end his pout.

According to a story in The Globe and Mail, because the hearings have been infiltrated by 'radical groups':

The Conservative government will bring forward new rules to greatly shorten environmental reviews of pipelines and other major projects, arguing that “radical groups” are exploiting the reviews to block proposals vital to Canada’s economic future.

Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver has written a letter, released to the Globe (Hmm, I wonder why that particular organ of big business?) warning of “environmental and other radical groups” including “jet-setting celebrities” funded by foreign special interest groups who “threaten to hijack our regulatory system to achieve their radical ideological ends.

Despite the Harper propaganda, the story reveals that it isn’t outside interests who are raising the greatest objection to the project. Canadian environmental and aboriginal groups are also strongly opposed, claiming that spills from the pipeline and from ships carrying the oil from B.C. could wreak enormous environmental damage to fish and wildlife.

Natural Resources Minister Oliver concludes his letter by saying that the environmental hearings system “is broken,” ... “It’s time to take a look at it.”

Oliver is right about one thing. The system is broken, but it's not the one that he and his master are so upset about.

Update: Environmentalists sound alarm over Tory stand on pipeline review

The Star's Gloomy Assessment of Corporate Depradations

Today's Star editorial offers a gloomy but apparently realistic assessment of the direction Canada's manufacturing is headed in. Abetted by the federal and Ontario McGuinty provincial governments' seeming indifference to the corporate depredations underway, the most recent occurring at Electro-Motive Canada, and unions that are hamstrung by the refusal of companies to negotiate reasonable contracts, the outlook seems very bleak.