Thursday, September 26, 2024

UPDATED: He's A Trial For All Of Us

From Frank Kafka's The Trial

Someone must have left some envelopes upon which he doodled, because Doug F. , without having done any thinking, announced another scheme one fine morning: a tunnel under the 401 highway in Toronto.

While it may not be the giant ferris wheel he once envisaged for Toronto's waterfront, it does seem to be of a piece: fill the electorate with fantastic visions that have no chance of realization, while all the other politicians carp at him about such mundane crises as homelessness, tent encampments, and hospital overloads. 

If one were to search very hard, no doubt would could discern the real philosophy underlying this government: better a sweet lie than a bitter truth.

Expect more bread and circuses as we edge closer to the next provincial election.

UPDATE: Brittlestar gives Ford's 'idea' all the respect it deserves:


  1. -an lil petulant pp will act like the errant love child of druggy duh duggly and our trashcan danny. Stay tuned.
