Showing posts with label humanity's folly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humanity's folly. Show all posts

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Too Late, Too Late


“Come, my friends
Tis not too late to seek a newer world..."

- Alfred, Lord Tennyson

I don't post nearly as prolifically as I once did, in large part, I suspect, because I have lost the hope that things can be improved in ways that change the world from its present, ineluctable trajectory. The Tennyson quote given at the top is something I no longer believe in, for reasons I discussed recently. Rather, I think about tending my own garden, in the sense intended by Voltaire.

That does not, however, mean I have lost my taste for truth, at least my interpretation of it. I do abide by the maxim, "Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie."

It is in that spirit that I take issue with The Star's latest editorial, which sees the record-low turnout of voters for our June 2 provincial election as largely the failure of the parties opposing Ford's Progressive Conservatives to offer a compelling reason to vote for them. As one who has held his nose in countless elections, that view holds little currency with me.

Rather, the following letter from the print edition of today's Star speaks a deeper and darker truth, in my view:

Election result reveals a greedy, selfish Ontario

Ford celebrates his majority win; Del Duca steps down, June 2

Dear Ontario,

You allowed the refund of your licence plate stickers to buy your vote. You voted selfishly, with only your own interests in mind.

You forgot about the thousands of seniors who died, lonely and neglected, in our longterm-care homes during the pandemic.

You forgot about the unravelling of some of the best environmental protection legislation in the country.

You forgot about the dozens of Ministerial Zoning Orders that pushed through developments against the wishes of communities.

The goodness of a society is measured by how well it takes care of those less fortunate and those who can’t speak for themselves. Our seniors, our needy, our disabled, our birds and insects and wild animals and rivers and lakes and wetlands and farmlands — they needed you to vote on their behalf.

This election revealed a greedy, selfish Ontario with a short memory, and a willingness to destroy our environment for short-term gain. How will you explain the consequences of your actions to your children and grandchildren?

Shame on you.

Karen Heisz, Toronto

Amen, Karen.