Tuesday, June 16, 2020

What Manner Of Man Is This?

The short answer is that he is not a man at all. A man, as opposed to a raging narcissist/sociopath, would never do what Donald Trump is planning as he gets ready to put tens of thousands of his loyalists at risk at his upcoming Tulsa ego-fest.

Note the series of lies and boasts that issue from the demented one's mouth in the following:

None of this is surprising, but I still find myself puzzled over how Trump's disciples steadfastly refuse to take the true measure of this monster.


  1. .. astonishing ignorance & deceit ..
    Oklahoma (home of Conservative, Albertan MP Michelle Rempel-Garner) does not even have a 'curve' to flatten currently. It is a ruler straight ascending line of infections. Perhaps Tulsa will be a landmark in 'how to spread a virus' .. Deary me.. and no Hunter S Thompson to immortalize the Trump rally.. in Fear & Loathing terms

    1. I watch a half-hour of American news per night, Sal, and am ever-astonished at the insanity that prevails there. There seems to be no bottom to any of it.
