Saturday, March 17, 2012

Who Watches Sun News Network?

Still in the mood to gloat, I am happy to report that the answer seems to be almost no one, although it is hard to pin down numbers with precision, owing to the fact that the Bureau of Broadcast Measurements only measures the top 30 shows in Canada, a criterion which the aforesaid network's offerings do not meet.

It seems that Canadians aren't as easily manipulated as Ezra Levant and the lads thought.


  1. I believe that the BBM will measure the viewership for each show at a particular time. BBM probably just releases the top shows to the public. You have to pay big bucks for the private information.

  2. I know two people that watch it and I suspect most Lowell Green listeners do.

  3. It seems Canadians are more discerning than Americans. Let the free market do it's thing and fox news north will crash and burn.

  4. I watch Sun News and I fail to see the problem people are having with it... I tend to dissagree with much of their views however it contributes to the evolution of thought in Canada through dialectics. I encourage people to try and shake my views and I am always open to being wrong, while Sun News has not succeeded in changing any of my views they have indeed helped me refine my own. Long live the Sun.
